09-21-1964 PCM cUlk
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Curt Sch3fe
.0. was Floyd Noel. Ala
t Minutes of the meeting; of July 20, 1964, were,
ilinutes of he
(telephone) meeting of August 7, 1961E (re
cation for variance ,f Goebel F`b:rure C,�rr})a:,y) were z,E,ad and app
It was reported that the City Councib had accepted the prel
z plat of Blocks Sand 4 of Larson's Subdivision at their meeting of 7.
September i►+, 11164, under the following conditions:
1. Dedication of one rod of additional width to the west line o
Larson Street extended by Mr. and Mrs. Herman Larson.
.r�►` 2• 12-1/2 feet easement for storm sewer across
Herman Larson
property to Crow River for consideration of $406.00. (Changed
to 121 when easement papers signed at Mr. Schantzen's office.)
i. Nine -lot layout. No building permit will be issued on the
westerly lot of Lewis Ave. until
irprovements extended to it.
Discussion on application of Phillips Petroleum 'Company for a
special permit and variance to construct a Dry Bulk Fertilirt_r building
dnd facilities at Erie Street & 3rd Avenue South on land tc, he leased f
Weat Northern Railway.
Represcmt�%illips Petrol.cum were M. L. Boote
Sales, and E. J. Fu�lrrnan, Division Engineer. Also present wastMr. joe
�'..;. Patchin of Pat c•hiiii fertilizer Co., Hutchinson, Minn.
w 1.. The plant would rf-cf -eve , nl i- i"Id j l �l on , v d r J : c'rt i 1. 4 r.
materials in a Bait -and -pepper mixture rea,+i:iy �ci,pti}�le to
the indiviftal n_edr, of 'an,E ps.
c. Mr. Pat chin woul d Oi,C' : if.c the plant i5 rin _irldapencff�rrt bu>:inc,s
man. He would require onk- Or two addition-il men �:i,r'an � .:,c�
sea:,on. � pc-
eDry 1n1x ure wl"
th no mt�istic�rE. ,111 Ito ft ce nit•rv- e;:,-rhE-IY.ior ,
t. Wily tr-lific affect thcr :street:' All loadlj,g r„i.' ,
the 1,- -: s,�d ra i.lwa ., - ,.l J'r >>o;)e on
Y .rroh�.rty. 'IU
Phi ti.ip;; is planning12-1
.1-•h plti.nt:;
G. Mostrra�: materi.ais woua d �cxlic in or. ra Ei.rc_ c' f,r;
l Ruildi;:g itself i� ci wood truuturc. j
8. Would du.,t, if it shoulo :�c-:rtle on�cr
that siding" No.
9. _Bins wou) d be _n,-,.luscj.
ny ma tteriLi s in the b ' L�
Ru�—*........a.t�. in' cR�j::irti'1.,. �_e.,•.
-iwwuFiMiMrw4aiSY�e'�gwi �.�f.+►�+�.iCyl�li3t*e�A f�1
Hutchinson Planning Commission -2- Septm,5�!r 1, C',
Motion was made by Harry Hanson, seconded by L_Loyd Torgv� ;snv, that tllc'� ♦ r{:... ;
Planning Commission recommends that a Special PeTynit anti. Vatianpe be ' t
granted to Phillips Petroleum Ccxrpany on their application No. 314 for
a dry fertilizer plant on Erie Street & 3rd Avenue South on land to be '
leased from Great Northern Railway.
Motion carried.
Harry Hanson stated that he would like to annex two lots south of
Lyndale Avenue and west of Merrill Street, Mr. Hanson was requested to
check with the City Engineer on the feasibility of such a proposal.
Lloyd Torgrimson presented a report from the Capital Improvements
Committee (Lloyd Torgrimson, Harry Hanson, and Dr. Thompson) on a proposed
method of coordinating capital improvement plans by the City Council, school
district and Utilities Commission, with recommendations for procedures to
be used. The report will be presented to the City Council in written form
at a later date.
Motion was made by Lloyd Torgrimson, seconded by Dr. Thompson, that
the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that a Revolving
Capital Improvement Fund be studied and established this year to enable
the Planning Commission to complete the Capital Improvement chart of in-
formation which they were instructed to prepare by Ordinance No. 208.
Motion carried.
Discussion was held on whether the Planning Commission should recommend
to the City Council that they investigate the possibility of obtaining
Federal funds (Conservation Department) for repair of the dam.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
. J. Thompson, Secretary