12-21-1964 PCM c. �. �. ..�,K', retrr�vMlw+��i�N"1�'�I�l.'�C f1?hF*t�VtL'.► '�+ • " ' '` ' 1 1 __.. {le►. tUe-•r �I 1`.64 The re;�ilar mon-thly meet.ino ot. the }ful:rlTinson i'lanning [:cnTaiss3.an was call -ed to 'order at 7:35 P.M. Monday, December 21, 1SGla , ny, Chairnat, Charje$ Carlhun in the Council Chambers at City Ball. Present were Charles Carlson, harry Hanson, Floyd fio,,j, Dr. Curt Schafer, Clinton Tracy axed Lloyd Torgrimi;on. Absent was Ile. A. J. Truomgson.Also prNE�nt was Cluirles Wil.srnr, City L•'�tginee:-. Minutes of t'}te meet-irig of Noveirber 16, 19F4, were read and approved. f �`pecial Yc�rm.it #363 - Sign at 40 Washington Ave. W. - Dr. 8 G. J. I)enno. Moti.•�!4 was made by C''i:nton Truey and seconded by Harry Hanson .that the Planning Commiss:icm Pecoimmends to the City Council that this permit be granted. Carried. Request for Variance on Building Permiit Application No. 36.1 - Franklin St. Baptist Church - Fra�ikl:in at 4th Ave. S. W. Present from ttee church congrega- 'tion were Rev. ►'1 len Trav llle, Frarkeis Rutz, Lucille Pishney, and Woodrow Wright. Discussion. Motion wa= made by Harry Hanson, seconded by Floyd Roel, that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that this request for variance in set-bar_k regviirements on building permit application No. 361 be granted on the foliowing basis _ 1. "Plans as presented by the church members; 2. Proper drainhge! l'xr-nl the roof (not: on sidewalks) i. That the property corners be surveyed before aii actual building &mit is applied for; - r and al,;o reccxm ands to the City Council that the evergreen trees on the corner be removed for the -sake of visibility. Motion carried. Discussign an County ditch asset-onents on subdivisions now a part of the City of Hutchinson. Floyd Ifoel and Engineer Wilson were asked to investigate and report back at the next meeting. Tele Capital Ingpitrren►ents C(-wMittce was asked to present a report at t}j(� January meeting. Meeting ad,journeci at 8:5; Y.M. Secrcltary Pro rein