02-15-1965 PCM cM 0' HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Planning 11unmission was called to order by Chairman Charles Carlson at 7:30 P.M., February 15, 1965, in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Present: Charles Carlson, Harry Hanson, Floyd Hoel, Dr. Curt Scharer, Clinton Tracy, Engineer Charles Wilson. Absent: Lloyd Torgr:imsun, Dr. A. .1. Thompson. Minutes of the meeting of January 18, 1965, were read and approved. CONTOUR AND TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS. Engineer Wilson presented his report and the proposal of the Mark Hurd Company. Dr. Schafer moved that the Planning Commission recommen&'to the City Council that they go ahead with at least the aerial photographs and ground control work at this time and follow up _._wi,t]t_a_ lop g -range progr4m jor doing the mapping work involved; also that they give consideration to expansion oi the area for be covered by 'L:Iie aerial photographs to include more sections than proposed by the City Engiirieer. Motion seconded eby Floyd Hoel; carried. HOME GAS CO. request for variance application No. 368 - 4 liquid fertilizer storage tanks at 14th Ave. S.E. & Huron. Present from Home Gas Co. were Joe Struska and Eldon Engel. These tanks are for storage of liquid fertilizer; no processing i.s involved; product is brought in by tank. car and transferred by closed systems to storage tanks; dispensed by metered pump; no odor. Harry Hanson moved that the Cornnission recorrvaends to the City Council that this variance be granted, and suggest; that Horne Gas Co. be requested to furnish the City Councilwith a letter statim; that there will be no odor from the operation. Motion seconded by Clinton Tracy; carried. PL0*1AN MOVORS - Application No. 366 for sign. Tabled. JEROME & BONNIE BETKER Application No. 369 - Rezoning from R -l. to B-1 under Ordinance No. 245. Hearing on the application will be held at 8:00 P.M. March 1.5, IOG'i. (Publication No. 919.) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE REPORT. Tsbleduntil March. REMINDER - Budget and members for 11,65-66 will be considered at March meeting. 110TCHiNSON 1ZXDF.R PROPOSED SEMINAR on Hutchinson Growth discussed. WOMAN'S CLUB. Mr. Carlson and another member %vi i l appear on the program on Thursday, March 4. GAS MAIN TO HIGHWAY 7 WEST; Clinton Tracy reported Uhat the Gas Company is within its right in installing this gas line. It is expected that it will pay for itself within a matter of time. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. harl©s D. U-Ar.l -on ��•i• tar � i`• .� '!'�. ,