03-15-1965 PCM c•
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C,11 _L V11 i. i- / : �U J' ii .`lavcii ij6In the
Council Chambers at City Hall. All members and Engineer Charles Wilson
were present.
Minutes of the meeting of February 15, 1965, were read and approved.
LAND USE APPLICATION NO. 374 - MFA Insurance Company - Sign at 30 North
Main. Motion made by Clinton Tracy, sc-conded by Harry Hanson, thiit the
Planning Commission recommends to the City COUnC.il [fiat tlii,, application
be approved. Carried.
LAND USE APPLICATION NO. i81 - r.,j, - R(.!zuiiiiig for efficiency apart-
ment at 7110 11iii i'lT, 1' i ci'clavy was instructed tvnotify Mr.
Bryti�r, t'. ; : ,110u.i a make application for a Special Permit under Section
6, C-6, ufZoning Ordinance No. 245.
HEARING ON PUBLICATION NO. 919 -Rezoning Jerome Betker property from R-1 to
B-1. Mr. Carlson opened the hearing at 8:00 P.M. Present were Jerome and
Bonnie Betker, owners of the property in question, and Kathy Braaten, who
wishes to open it Beauty Shop at the location. Discussion was held on park-
ing facilities available. Mr. Betker stated there were ample parking faci-
lities available on Jefferson Street as well as in the Betker south driveway.
He also stated that if there was any controversy over the community driveway
on the north side of the property, he would be willing to enlarge the drive-
way on this side to accommodate customers.
Motion made by Lloyd Torgrimson, seconded by Dr. Curtis Schafer, that the
Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that this request for
rezoning be granted. Motion carried.
MOTION WAS MADE BY FLOYD NOEL, seconded by Dr. Thompson, that the Planning
Commission recommends to the Mayur and City Council that Lloyd Torgrimson
be appointed to a second five-year term as member of the Planning Commission
(expiring 1970.) Motion carried unanimously.
BUDGET. Motion was made by Dr. Thompson, seconded by Lloyd Torgrimson,
that the Planning Coiniiissi_on requests the Mayor and City Council to include
an item of $400 in the budget for 1965-66 to cover Planning Commission con-
sultant services, expenses to special meetings, and secretary's salary.
Motion carried.
to the April meeting to discuss the Planning Guide Chart with the Commission.
PARK IMPROVEMENT. Dr. Thompson suggested that the Park Board consider the
advisability of securing Federal funds for park improvement.
REVISIONS TO ZONING ORDINANCE. Revisions will be discussed at the April
meeting, including non-ebnforming permits issued by the City Council, and
areas incorrectly zoned in the present Ordinance.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
A. J. Yhomp. n, Secretary