01-18-1965 PCM cM
Aie regular monthly meeting of the }iutchinson Planning Cam tibsir
was called to order at 7:3ti P.M. Mculday, January 19, 1965, by Chairman.
Charles Carlson in the Council Char: ?,!rs at City Hall.. Present were
Charles Carlson, Harry Hanson, ='loyd }tnel. Dr. Curt Schafer, Clinton
Tracy and Lloyd Torgrimson. Absent wal. Dr. A. J. Thompson. Also pruscnt
was Ch,irfes Wilson, City Engineer.
r}irtute,s of t1e meeting of I) cembar !l, 1961i,were read and approved.
-�p�cl.al permit #464 - Smith Douglass Co. Inc. - application for
variance for additional storage tank at Farmers Elevator Assn. was discussed.
i1011'i'Jt1 'A;as ffl JO liv Llcyc? Tc,rWrimson, seconded by Harry Hanson, that the
1' L<inir itjg l:oriein i s-iurl reecanmends to the City Council that this permit be
granted. Motion carried.
Charles Carl son reported that the s_ % 1 placed by Dr. Miskoff is
.in eider sigrn, kepainted and ref finished, which was rehung at u height to
�,,nfc,rri with '.t e r,,gAati()TV' ,'J' Zoning Ordinance No. 245.
Applicatior. No. 306 prom Plowman Motors t:or a sign at 2nd Avenue
5E and Has6an St. was tabled until Planning Commission member., could
examine the situation personally.
Special Permit Application No. 36.E for the Northland Cafe for
L 101) Main South wa:, disc�ossed. Moti was made
a sign "Northland Mill," by Harry Hanson, :seconded by Lloyd Torgrimson, that the P1aru�Connnissioll
recomrnends to the City Council that this permit be granted. Motion Barri?d.
City Engineer Ch;1rl1's J- WilL;;on pr-sented a report on apportion-
ment of county ditch liens, copy attached. !4ori.on was made by Floyd Ho
seconded by Dr. Curt that in the f ►1t are when a subdivision J,-
flatted in the City of MutchInson, the ,subdivider be required to peti is
._... __ t,y l3tard for gpportinrKwInt of preseirt and future ecnanty 13att_i1
liens to the individual .Lots of the subdivi,;ion prior to clYproval,of th,
final plat; the requ:iroment i=o be l,andl.,d actlini> trati vel y by addim; it
to the Engineer's checklist. Motion carried.
A report was pre—,ented by the Capital Imprc,vement; Conmittee on
progress -made on the Capital. LTrovements Planning Guide Chart for con-
tunui ty in p.Lanning capital. .improvements for the City of Hutchinson.
When the chart is ccxngleted and reproduced in suitable form, copies will
Ix--, sent to the City Council, with recommendations from t}1e ,Capital ILn-
provements Committee.
Discussion was held oil the proposed gas line to the new motel
:e t of Hutchinson on Hi ,hway 7.
Chairman Carlson requested information on progress being made (jo
the industrial site fvp+A Mh*;oA Growth east of the city- Engineer
Wilson reported that°' th.iq, prograrfi is under study.
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.e�•en the hctl
isnahildering,a seminar, tentatively set for late March; = the 3dcr'
fixture of Hut't!hi.nson. }fe usked if the Planning Crrrm►issiM would cgri• , ► .,;-,,�
+: 'cider br�.itiK co- msors of this event, .-i1ong with the Chamber of Carm�ere�.�t",4'�"
�itK�c steel parttiei.p4ntr; have been city g6verr wnt 'representatives aria ;;r�t'k
Jim Hawks; of Convrunir'/ Paarurer::. .'.t
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