The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to order
by Chairman Charles Carlson at .7:30 P.M. Monday, April 19, 1965, in the Council
Chambers at City Hall. Present were Charles Carlson, Harry Hanson, Floyd Hoel,
Dr. Schafer, Clinton Tracy, Dr. Thompson and Engineer Charles Wilson. Absent
was Lloyd Torgrimson.
Minutes of the meeting of March 15, 1965, were read and approved.
APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT NO. 382 - Jay Beytein - 740 Harmony Lane -
efficiency apartment in basement. Motion made by Dr. Schafer, seconded by
Clinton Tracy, that the Commission recommends to the City Council that this
application be approved. Carried.
LAND USE APPLICATION NO. 386 - Moehring Motors - 145 East Washington Avenue
sign above canopy. Motion was made by Floyd Hoel, seconded by Harry Hanson,
that the Commissinn recommends to the City Council that this application be
4pproved. Carried.
REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. 3, McLeod County, Tracts A, B, C, D, E Hassan Valley
Twp. Mr. James Reid presented a proposed plat on the land located outside the
city limits south of Century Avenue. Motion was made by Dr. Thompson, seconded
by Harry Hanson, that the Commission recommends to the City Council that this
proposed plat be approved. The Commission also requests that the Council write
to the Hassan Valley Township Board asking their cooperation in granting building
permits on this property so as to provide for street continuations. Motion
APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE NO. 391 - Franklin Street Baptist Church, Franklin &
4th Ave. S.W. - addition to west side of existing building. Present from the
church were Rev. Travaille and Lyle Johnson. Motion was made by Floyd'Hoel,
seconded by Harry Hanson, that the Commission recommends to the City Council
that a variance on setbacks on south, west and north sides of the proposed
addition be granted. Motion carried.
It is the Commission's understanding that Application for Variance No. 361, as
approved by the City Council on December 28, 1964, will still apply for a
remodeling of the entry in the front of the church (east) if the new plans are
basically the same as the ones proposed and approved at that time - i.e, glass
entry so view on the corner is not obstructed.
HUTCHINSON CREAMERY ASSN. Mr. Gordon Bublitz presented plans for enlarged
facilities at the Creamery. He was asked to complete an Application for Variance
on set backs on the south and west sides and off-street and on -street loading
area, to pay the required fee of $5.00, and to submit this application and
complete plans to the Commission for their approval and recommendation to the
REVISIONS TO ZONING ORDINANCE - Tabled until May meeting, including non -conforming
permits issued by the Council.
ELECTION OF OFFICERS - Charles Carlson was elected Chairman and Dr. A. J.
Thompson was elected Secretary, both elections by motions duly made, seconded
and carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9;30 P.M.