04-22-1965 PCM c0 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION• A special meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Charles Carlson at 12:45 P.M. Thursday, April 22, 1965, at Carlson Pharmacy. All members were present. APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE NO. 392 - Hutchinson Creamery Association. The a&,lication covers variances on the south and west sides of the proposed addition on Washington and Adams Streets. Present from Hutchinson Creamery was Wilbur Braun. Discussion. The main concern of the Planning Commission is whether there will be interference with traffic at the intersection of Washington and Adams Streets. Motion was made by Dr. Thompson, seconded by Lloyd Torgrimson, that the Planning Commission make the following recommendations to the City Council: 1. Approval of variance in setback requirements on Washington Ave. UP to 21 from the property line. 2. Approval of variance in setback requirements on Adams Street from 301 to 151, Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 1:45 P.M. Y..JThompso'n, Secretary