The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to
opder by Chairman Charles Carlson at 7:30 P.M. Monday, May 17, 1965, in the
Council Chambers at City Hall. Present were Charles Carlson, Floyd Hoel,
Dr. Curt Schafer, Clinton Tracy, Dr. A. Ji Thompson and Engineer Jack
Powers. Absent were Lloyd Torgrimson and Harry Hanson.
Minutes of the meetings of April 19 and April 22 were read and approved.
Minutes of the special meeting of May 4 were approved after the variance
application number for Hutchinson Creamery Assn. was corrected from 395
APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE NO. 406 - Rev. I. E. Kottke - home at 715 Milwaukke.
Motion was made by Dr. Thompson, seconded by Floyd Hoel, that the Commission
recommends to the City Council that this application for variance in set-
back requirements on the west side be denied. Motion carried.
Louis Waller was present to state that he wished to plat lots east of
Waller's Subdivision (block two) so that he could sell some of the lots.
It was pointed out that although the layout of the lots as previously
submitted was satisfactory, a survey would have to be made at this time
to show topography,,drainage, sewer and water facilities, etc. Mr. Waller
was asked to contact surveyors to proceed with the necessary work and to
prepare a preliminary plat for this land.
HEARING ON PUBLICATION NO. 931. Rezoning lots 6, 7 and 8, Park Subdivision,
from R-2 multiple family residential zone to B-3 general business. Mr.
Carlson opened the hearing at 8:30 P.M. Present from the area property
owners was Merritt Jensen. Discussion. Motion was made by Floyd Hoel,
seconded by Dr. Schafer, that Commission recommends to the City Council
that lots 6, 7 and 8 of Park Subdivision, City of Hutchinson, be rezoned
from R-2 to B-3. Motion carried.
DISCUSSION OF MILL POND AND DAM SITUATION. After a discussion of the mill-
pond and the broken dam, the Planning Commission felt it would like to make
a strong recommendation to the Mayor and City Council that quick action be
taken to start replacement of the dam; and that in the i;;tcrest of good
planning -steps be taken to improve the area above and below the dam to make
them greater assets to the Community of Hutchinson for the present and the
future. This would be in line with the Community Facilities Plan as pre-
sented to the City Council by the Associated Planners in July 1959.
A discussion of the following items is pertinent:
1. The replacement of the dam is essential for proper sewerage
treatment and controlled water flow in months of low rain fall.
2. Improvement of the channel below the dam�the site of the present
dump to aid in the quick runoff of future high water periods.
3. Deny any additional building in the flood plain areas as estab-
lished In the zoning ordinance.
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Hutchinson Planning Commission -2- May -17, 1965
4. Improvement of the river bottom above the dam for swimming
enjoyment and safety and for safer boat navigation.
5. Improvement of the area between the north side of the river
and the railroad tracks for park, recreation and tourist area.
Interest in and a desire to help along these lines has been expressed by
some and perhaps others could be interested.
1. The Mayor and City Council - Final Authority
2. The Planning Commission - Planning
3. The Park Board - Parks and Campsites
4. The Recreation Board - Playgrounds
5. The Chamber of Commerce - For Tourist Promotion
6. The Junior Chamber of Commerce - Water Carnival
7. The Crow River Boating Club - Water Safety
8. The Gopher Campfire Club - Sanctuary and Game Reserve
9. The Optimist Club - Playground Equipment
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It is understood that this program will take much time, money and work;
but the Planning Commission feels now is the time to start the work and
with a complete plan, work for its eventual completion.
HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION. Clinton Tracy stated that the Utilities
Commission has an opportunity to purchase a wedge-shaped piece of land
near Goebel Fixture Company on South Dale Street, and that they will be
needing land in this area for a sub -station, with possibly one transformer.
The 'sub -station would be self-contained and the grounds would be landscaped
and maintained as in a residential area. This report was given to the
Commission as a matter of information, although it ntay be a matter of
years before the work is begun.
REVISIONS TO ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 245. Tabled until a later date when
necessary information is available.
Meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M.
J. Thompson, Secretary
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