06-21-1965 PCM cUu iA Ula iA HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION The Regular Meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Charles Carlson at 7:30 P.M. Monday, June 21, 1965, in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Present were Charles Carlson, Floyd Hoel, Dr. Curt Schafer, Clinton Tracy, Dr. A. J. Thompson and Engineer Charles Wilson. Absent were Harry Hanson and Lloyd Torgrimson. Minutes of the meeting of May 17 were read and approved with the following addition and correction: Addition - p. 2, line 10 - Hutchinson Woman's Club. Correction - p.l, item 2 under "Discussion of Mill Pond and Dam Situation", to read "Improvement of the channel below the dam to the site, etc." LOUIS WALLER, Preliminary Plat, Block 2 east of Waller's Subdivision. No action was taken inasmuch as the preliminary plat as presented did not contain all necessary information and should be referred back to Mr. Waller's engineer. The Planning Commission was informed of the Council's negotiations with Elmer Merickel for park land north of Northwoods Ave. and east of Elm Street. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 P.M. J. Thome on, Secretary.