08-30-1965 PCM c• A special meeting; of the PlculIii ,Ig C:Irlurli:. i i1 r:, 1c 1(I 1n1 `lorlday , Augrist' 30, 1965, for the pit rp ,,t, ( 1 lw;1i-ii1•-; ;w hi!)I is;:!_i, Pi, No. '01 c•E'zoni.n}; cert;tin lots in I!otc!ih1•,ttu a-, I-itit 'cl in the 1'LibI icaLioII Pr(,st-V were Chart'h Car,I -iil !i ii... 11,111` `11, A. t. TlI(IIlII)-'(m , CI Int on Tv. Icy, Curt tliiit Lhc fol lct.,-i'rtg it -t he rczuned from 11-1 to B-3: Lot I s,on. Absent was N 1,12 City (Chaj)manis (;r()cury) . Mut ion carried. HEARING ON PUBL1CATION No. '1115 Chairman Charles Carlson Opened the hearing at 7:30 P.M. About 20 persons were present. Wm. Holmqu i st, Oil behal V of I;irnse If and Orvil.l e Ho.i:mquist, as property owners, Stci l—ed tlW i.r purpk)sc in veques Ling rezoning of lets 11 and 5, Bll. 22, N 112 City ,tud hit 1, Blk 211, N_L 21 City, from R -I residential to be 1 icv i n�, that such rezoning will- be beneficial to the arca bec,lu',e of inereased property y�i I ues, water and sewer services, etc. Mr. Car_'1srtti ex111,1iI10d Lhe [,Iitnliitl,T Conunissi0111s reasons for including all of 22, 21, 211 ,ijid 25 in the rezoni.ng. Richat'd Petct'stlti :,LaL(,d Ll1at as a Peal est,ite man, he has had inquiries concerning L11.''ipc-r'Ly in this area, it it is zoned E_Loi Ilanlre , Ncc• tv Lary of the Civic and Commerce Association, presented a statement from Lhc C N C ((-tlpic•s disLribtiLed Lo the Planning Commission) endorsing the prtlposect rezoning. Questions were raised by suveral I,f thcJ pt'oLle.rty ()wrier, involved. No serious objections• were presented. Hearing closed a t 8 : t15 P.M. Mr. Carlson explained 1-11 [11()-,P f,1'usent that the Planning Commi-,i-ori would make a reeorturlendation to t he City Counui t, 1r1tL Llial: tht Counci l has l incl authority for action on r'cr.orling requests. A petition was presented by Or. Holmquist, signed by properly im/ners involved, on behalf of the rezoning. Motion was made by Flurry Hans,oli, seconded by C1_inLon 'Tracy, ttlat. the Planning Commission recommends to t h(( C i t v Cf)unc i I Lh;it: the lol_lu�7ing Lots be rezoned from x-1 to B -i: Bl lcl.s 22, '11, 25 N 1/2 City; Block 21, except lot 2, N 1/2 Citv; and tliiit Lhc fol lct.,-i'rtg it -t he rczuned from 11-1 to B-3: Lot 2, Block 23, N 1,12 City (Chaj)manis (;r()cury) . Mut ion carried. MeeLi.ng ,_tdjuurltud it 8:15 F.:1. A. J. `l'ho>nppsora, :leeretary