09-20-1965 PCM c"7, 1-111TC1fTN!-;ON PLANNING COIMISSION The regular meeting of tlic Ilutclrir son I'lanninCununission was called to order by Chairman ChArlc� CrY],un aL 7:-Itl 1 M. Monday, September 20, 1965, in tilt' Counci 1 Chawjjer>, ,.it Ci Ly 11-1 ! . Present were Charles Carlson, Floyd Ifue l , 0_ii,t 'chafer, L1 oyd '1'0� , ,riinson, Clinton Tracy, A. J. Thompse,n, anti CLLY Engineer Roger ,Jw,­phtion. Absent was Harry Hanson. Minutes of the meetin- 01 August 16 and the special meeting of August - --- --- 30, 1965,twere- read_.arid approv_ed. APPLICATION FOR VARIANUC NO. 11 0. Mr. 'Thomson presented a request for variance in rt_ at, yard sc Lback s I , it a proposed addition to his present garage at 37; 6V. Pi_sliney L,uie. Assistant Engineer Josephson reported that the plan as prupused, including the new addition, would be within the floor -area -ratio required under the zoning ordinance. Motion was made by Floyd Hoe], seconded by Dr. Scha1ev, that the Planning Commission reconuirends to the City Council tlrat th.ir, application for variance be allowed, on the basis Of' plans as presented by Mr. Thomson. Motion carried. APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT NO. x164. Three signs at Lot 1, Block 24, N 1/2 City, by Harold J. MCCoy and George Harrison (McCarthy's Hamburger Shop). Inasmuch as there signs wuuld be constructed in the highway department right-of-way, Mr. McCi)y kers asl.ed to contact them for their regulations before the Planning C,,mmi ss i -un mikes anv recommendations on this application. FROEMMING LAND SLIRUTY. Pvesent \, (­ L�e ,lames Reid, C;ene Hyman Sr., Steven Reid, Richard `I,avoral, and Russlic I'roenuning. Mr. Reid and Mr. Hyman pre- sented a proposed plat for the property ly.in�; south (A7 Century Avenue, in- cluding continuation of existing street- in the City of Hutchinson. The roposed plans were referred to the flassan Valley 'Town Board. Mr. Reid further., Meeting adjourned at 1):20 P.M. .A. 1. Thompson, Secretary