01-17-1966 PCM cHUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tic rc,c;ular meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Charles Carl -,on at 7:30 P.M. Monday, January 17, 1961), in the Council Chaml)ers at City hall. Present were Charlet; Carlson, t'lovd Hi.,rL, IW. Curt Schafer, Clinton Tracy, Harry Hanson, Dr. A. J. Tllompson, and I;ng,ine cr Charles Wilson. Absent was Lloyd Torgrimson. Miliutes of -the re-ular meeting of October 18, 1965, were read and approved. APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT NO. 499 Popp's Hutchinson Cleaners - sign. Clifford Popp was present to request a permit to hang a sign "within Llie limits of Ordinance No. &6,,. which sign would extend over the public sideN,,al_k, at 150 South Main St. No drawing �,as presented inasmuch as Mr. Popp did not knot, exactly where he wished to place the sign. The $5.00 fc,e had not been paid. Inasmuch as the application was incomplete, no action was taken. PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT (West of Dale Street, South of Roberts Road.) A suggested layout of the previous Slyter property was presented on behalf of Elmer Meri_cJ,el. Also included in the drawing was the previous Rice property, now owned by Dr. Carl Bretzke` and Dr. Dan Huebert. Dr. Bretzke and Dr. Huelx_rt were present at the meeting. Several changes will have to be made before the plat is presented again. AERIAL LAND SURVEY. The Commission reviewed and discussed the motion and recommendation made by it at the meeting of February 15, 1965. "Dr. Sehafer moved that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Counc=il_ that they go ahead with at least the aerial phutugraphs and ground control work at this time and follow up with a long-range program for doing the mapping work involved; also that they give consideration to expansion of the area to _ be covered by the aerial photographs to include more sections tli,in proposed by the City Engineer. Motion seconded by Floyd floc -t; carried.** Mr. Wilson reported on a meeting he and Fred Roberts had attended last WeUl:, sponsored by the Minnesota Conservation Department, concerning the netw federal recreational outdoor facilities program. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 P.M. t �' A. J. Thompson, Secretary