05-05-1966 PCM cHLTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION April 5, 1966 A special meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Curt Schafer at 12:45 P.M., April 5, 1966, in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Present were Harry Hanson, Floyd Hoel, Clinton Tracy, Lloyd Torgrimson, Alderman Les Linder and Engineer Charles Wilson. Absent was Dr. A. J. Thompson. ELMER MERICKEL PRELIMINARY PLAT The original preliminary plat as approved by the Planning Commission on February 21, 1966, showed Goebel Street running north to the property owned by Dr. Huebert and Dr. Bretzke, and Lake Street (as a half -street) from Milwaukee north. The revised preliminary plat discussed by the City Council showed no streets north and south, and for this reason the Plat was returned to the Planning Commission for further consideration. Discussion. Conclusions -- 1. The commission has two choices a) Accept the revised plat, or b) Reject or table the revised plat, which would halt development for the time being. 2. There are several streets west of Goebel Street - Charles, Larson and Kay Streets - which could provide north -south access to Roberts Road in long-range planning for this southwest area. 3. It would be difficult for the developers (Merickel, Bretzke, Huebert) to obtain property necessary to make Lake Street full width. Motion was made by Harry Hanson, seconded by Lloyd Torgrimson, that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that it approves the Revised Preliminary Plat submitted by Elmer Merickel for the land described in Publication No. 962. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 2:15 P.M. Floyd Hoel, Secretary