02-21-1966 PCM cC
February 21, 1966
The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to
order by Chairman Charles Carlson at 7:30 P.M. Monday, February 21, 1966,
in the Council Chambers at City 1{al_l. Present were Charles Carlson, Floyd
Hoel, Dr. Curt Schafer, Clinton Tracy, Dr. A. J. Thompson, Lloyd Torgrimson
and Engineer Charics Wilson. Absent was Harry Hanson.
Minutes of the re�. ular meeting of' ,lanuary 17, 1966, were read and approved.
PRELIMINARY PhV1' - Clrner Merickel - Lots 95, 96 and portion of 94, Lynn Add.
(Form('c' SJ\tcr west of Dale Street.) Present also were Ed Duester-
hoeft, Cha; rmU:l, Al d Stanley Bart(), Clerk, Lynn Township Board, and Roy
Hansen, en, inccr 1,,t `lc. Merick6l. Mr. Duesterhoeft and Mr. Barto were
primarily ccrr:cc:•nc_ 1 Lli the description of the property proposed for annexa-
tion. The\ Iraq nt ,)b,gect_ions to the proposed plat or annexation proceedings.
HEARIN(, ON P111')1,ICATJ0i\' NO. 962. Chairman Carlson opened the hearing at 8:00
P.M. Roy Hansen went over the proposed plat with the Commission. Hearing
closed at 8:15 P.M.
Motion was made by Lloyd Torgri_mson, seconded by Floyd Hoel, that the Planning
Commission recommends to the City Council the advisability of platting the
parcels of land as describes] in Publication No. 962, with the stipulation
that easements for utilities be worked out between the owner and the Utilities
Commission. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Clinton Tracy, seconded by Dr. Schafer, that the Planning
Commission recommends to the City Council that it proceed with annexation of
the land as described in Publication No. 962. Motion carried.
The Planning Commission rceommend,, to the City Council that a cash donation
be made by the Subdiv_i der in i i_cu o1 1 rind ded.i.cated for City parks and play
rounds inasmuch s the parcel ()j 1�11:d Lc, be annexed is close to designated
playground areas. Mr. Merickel is to he requested to attend the March Planning
Commission meeting Lu discuss this turlher, as stated in Section 10, Paragraph
C, Ordinance No. 235. dated Ma} i, 1961.
CARL E. PETERSON. Mr. Peterson is interested in purchasing that portion of
Lot 1.8 which 1 ins south o1 i_,) (across Hwy. 15 from Lloyd Torcrrimson)
for a Pure oil -,tat.ion and undct"_;rou:id bulk stor.cge }dant. He cliscusscd with
the Conwit ssio:ii amuck i reins as zonin(-. water and sewer services, and suitability
cel the locr!tiun 1r,r� his I'he Commission referred Mr. Peterson to the
State litgh),vay Dc1_)ar4nenr for their regtilat.ions and suggestions.
h ROSS HEILMAN. Mr. Heilman plans to bid on the Congregational Church Education
Buil d ing anti is co: si_der_ing moving it to h i_s Lot on Grove Street - just south
,f ;U , C r„vc , 11r, ,.,ou1 d require a var_i_ance in lot sire requirements and 1 ] oor-
„re r r., f_ i r,. and i s' cc] the op ilii on of circ I'.Ic:ztti_ Ig Commission before entering
I)id ,u: 'hc. hrul:cr r An infurrnrtl f)(111 of tl1c members :indicated they would
Hutchinson Planning Cojiimission
February 21, 1966 ;.
look favurably upon su(�11 an Aj)pl i.ca ! i c1n for V,tri.ance, should Mr. Heilman be
the successful biddev.
APPLICATION I'OR SPECIAL PE1011`I' No. � i gjj .1 L Popp l s Hutchinson Cleaners,
130 South Main St. I'Luvd Nigel, seconded by Clinton Tracy,
that the P-I�otning Lo the City Council that this permit
be granted. Mot_iun
DiscussioI1 on Hutt'it l i' 1ti`i.11 lndlltii '1 ..t
Meeting id,' wc ,
�- A. I . Thomp son , Secretary
REMINDER: 131cck_,c :. t i _ic t l ind recommendation of replacement
for Charles Car_I son. tarn X11 i_ Vc ,,',larch 31, 1966, are to be considered
at the March nceeting.