04-18-1966 PCM cR 111,TC 1 [Ns0N PLANNING COMMISSION 18, 1966 The regillar meeting uJ the }iut+l,lar ,+m Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Curt Sehaf(,r ,,t 7:�U P.M. Monday, April 18, 1066, in the ups Lairs audi Loriuri of C i l ,, Ki.l I . Present were Dr. Schafer, Floyd Hoel, Clinton Trac', Dr. A. J. l'hurrtp;cm and City Engi�ieoir 4itson. Aur,e.ic were Lloyd Tor.;rimson and Harry ►laiisun. Minutes o1: the reg ul_ar meeting of March 21 and the special meeting of April 5 were read and app roved. ACOMA TOWNSHIP PLAT. Milt Brinkman was present on behalf of Sioux Enter- prises of Hutchinson, to present a plat of Government lots 7 R 8, Section 35 T -J17 -R-30 Acoma Twp., McLeod Co. He requested that the Planning Commission examine and make a recommendation on the plat to the County Commissioners. Motion made by Dr. Thompson, seconded by Clinton Tracy, that the Planning Commission approved the plat as submitted. Carried. REQUEST FOR VARIANCE NO. 524. John Davis - 365 Lake Street - screened porch. Mr. Davis requested a variance in rear -yard set back requirements. Motion was made by Clinton Tracy, seconded by Floyd Hoel, that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that this request for variance be approved. Motion carried. HEARING ON PUBLICATION NO. 969 - Rezoning Part of Lot 91, Lynn Addition, from R-1 to -2, by James & Theo. Hanson. Chairman Schafer opened the hearing at 8:00 P.M. Present were James & Theo. Hanson and 15 property owners in close proxi.IDty with the property involved. Mr. Ted Hanson explained the purpose of the rezoning request; i.e., to build six 12 -unit apartments, 2-1/2 stories high, each with a garage and off-street parking. Ile stated this would be a long- range project; that it would be serviced with a private road; that his plan is to provide a "buffer" zone between the residential and commercial areas in the southwest part of the City. A petition was presented on behalf of the property owners in the area. This petition contained 44 signatures, and represented 85S'. of the property owners. They stated they objected to the proposed rezoning on the following grounds: too many people in a small area, too much traffic, over -crowding of existing utility facilities, disruption of a residential area, too small a service road. Hearing closed 8:35 P.M. Hutchinson Planning Commission - 2 - April 18, 1966 Motion was made by Dr. Thompson, seconded by Clinton Tracy, that the request for rezoning be tabled. Motion carried. HUTCHINSON GROWTH - Petition for Annexation; Presentation of Preliminary Plat - Lots 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Auditor's Plat of the West Half of Section 5, Township 116 North, Range 29 West. Motion was made by Clinton Tracy, seconded by Floyd Hoel, that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that it proceed with annexation of the above-described property, to be known as HUTCHINSON INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. Motion carried. No objections were received from the Hassan Valley Town Board. Robert Stearns, Chairman, Hutchinson Growth, presented the preliminary plat. Motion was made by Floyd Hoel, seconded by Dr. Thompson, that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that it set a hearing on rezoning the property from R-1 to I-1 (Industrial) for 8:00 P.M. Monday, May 2, 1966. Motion carried. Motion was made by Floyd Hoel, seconded by Clinton Tracy, that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that it set a hearing on the Preliminary Plat of Hutchinson Industrial District for 8:30 P.M. Monday, May 2, 1966. Motion carried. Referring to Ordinance No. 235, Section 10 (C) r' adequate area suitable for such use may be required . . ." the Planning Commission agreed it would not be necessary to require a parks and playgrounds contribution in this industrial area. The Commission also felt that portions of the area could be platted at one time, developed with utilities, as the need arises. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Request for Variance No. 508 - set back on west lot _Linc from 25' to 8',also f_Loor-area ratio. Mr. Art Avis and Mr. Robert Stearns presented a request for variance on the church's property at Lots 6 & 7, Block 32, S 1_/2 City, where they propose to build an educational building. The Building Committee was requested to contact the Peace Lutheran Church for an agreement in writing that th,?rc, \,oul_d be no objection to this variance, and to report back to th(, Pl,ciai i jig Commission at their special meeting; on Monday, May 2, P06. ZONING MAP - Mr. Wilson, City L;ngi_nc, ,r. 1» c s 11tcd members of the Commission with copie", of the new, zoning map cii',]�Vll up by leis department to include changes made since the last Y n�_Ing i ,ip pvi-fil L'H_2.11 ORDINANCE NO. 235. The tiie Engineer to make a written report on Requirements for and to submit this report at their meeting of May 2. i In 11 Hutchinson P1_,111n.ing Commi,. Torn - 3 - April 1-8, 1966 EXTENSION Or RESID1XVIAL I IN [NDI!STRCAL AND COMMERCIAL AREAS. The Commission recomwenc1� to 1 IIf th;.it applications for buil-ding permits for re-,Ld(,,nti, l u�-, .i.ii cimimercial_ or industrial areas be governed by the regulation, ,Ipplyin; L()i lit, sone .in which the property is located (Ilot the resldeI 1. i,i l- 1'l' rU 1' i r METHODIST CHURCH PROPERTY. It i the opinion of the Planning Coslunission that any recommendations i)ii disp,)-,ail of the church property at 2nd Avenue and Glen Street should coml, Iron the Church Board. RECOMMENDATION Or APPOINTMENT to fill term of Charles Carlson. Motion was made by Dr. Thompson, seconded by Clinton Tracy, -that the Planning Commission recommends to the Mayor and City Council that Mr. Gordon Bublitz be appointed to a five-year term on the Planning Commission, effective March 1, 1966. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 1.0:25 P.M. G � f r yd Hoel, Secretary