05-02-1966 PCM cHUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION May 2, 1966 A special meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Curt Scharer ,it 8:00 P.M., May 2, 1966, in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Present were Floyd Hoel, Dr. A. J. Thompson, Gordon Bublitz, Harry Hanson, and Engineer Wilson. Absent were Lloyd Torgrimson and Clinton Tracy. HEARING ON PUBLICATION 975 (Rezoning Hutchinson Industrial District) Chairman Schafer opened the hearing at 8:00 P.M. Present were Bob Stearns, Dr. White, & Homer Peterson, from Hutch Growth; Aaron Dressel from Hassan Valley Township; Dim.D.Dietel and/Harlan Lang- holz. Discussion. Hearing closed. Mrs. Motion was made by Dr. A. J. Thompson, seconded by Gordon Bublitz, that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that the Hutchinson Industrial District - Lots 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Auditor's Plat of the West Half of Section 5, Township 116 North, Range 29 West - be rezoned from R-1 to I-1. Motion carried. REQUEST FOR VARIANCE NO. 508 - Congregational Church. Variance in west S line set -back and floor -area ratio. Present from the Congregational Church was Art Avis. No letter was presented from Peace Lutheran Church, as requested by the Commission, inasmuch as their property to the west of the Congregational Church property is up for sale. Motion was made by Floyd Hoel that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that request for Variance No. 508 be approved with a 25' side -yard setback and floor -area ratio. No second was heard on the motion. HEARING ON PUBLICATION NO. 973 - Preliminary Plat, Hutchinson Ind. District. Chairman Schafer opened the hearing at 8:50 P.M. Present were Bob Stearns, Dr. W. W. White and Homer Peterson from Hutch Growth; Aaron Dressel from Hassan Valley Township; aq/Deane Dietel and Mrs. Harlan Langholz, property owners. yrs. Engineer Wilson presented his report on the proposed plat covering layout, street grading, and utility costs. Property owners raised questions con- cerning removal of trees, location of Second Avenue bridge and Second Avenue street. Mr. Wilson explained that his report covered a street layout pattern in a "U" shape, and he would recommend that the Planning Commission approve this recommended change. ' Discussion with members of Hutch Growth Inc. Hutchinson Planning Commission - 2 - May 2, 1966 Motion was made by Dr. Thompson, that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council the advisability of approving the plat of the Hutchinson Industrial District after giving due consideration to the proposals of the City Engineer. Floyd Roel stated he would second the motion if it stated that the officers of hutch Growth and the City Engineer diould meet together to work out street arrangements and discuss other recommendations of' the City Engineer. Motion amended by Dr. Thompson as follows: That the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council the advisability of platting the Hutchinson Industrial District after the Engineer and officers of Hutch Growth have met to work out street arrangements and other recommendations of the City Engineer. Motion seconded by Floyd Hoel, carried. Hearing closed. HEARING ON PUBLICATION NO. 974 - Preliminary Plat, Rice Addition Chairman Schafer opened the hearing at 9:40 P.M. Present were Stanley Barto and Royal Knutson from the Lynn Township Board: Dr. Bretzke and Dr. Huebert, platters; Lew Merrill and several owners of adjacent property. Ab Emily Vejrosta was present with her attorney, Harold Dahl of Howard Lake, Minkesota. She stated that when Roberts Road was widened, she was promised that she would be paid for her land if the other property owners were paid. She understood one owner had received a sum of money, and she had not. Mr. Wilson was requested to investigate. Miss Vejrosta and Mr. Dahl are to be notified when long-range planning is done for this area. Discussion with Drs. Huebert and Bretzke. Hearing closed. Motion was made by Harry Hanson, seconded by Dr. Thompson, that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council the advisability of platting the Rice Addition, with a cash donation of $910.00 for parks and playgrounds. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Floyd Hoel, Secretary