12-19-1966 PCM ca
December 19, 1966
The Regular Meeting of' the Hut ciiinson Planning Commission was called to
order by Chairman Curt Schal'er it 7:AU Y.M., Monday, December 19, 1966,
in the Council Chambers of City lall.
Members present: Dr. Curt Sclaicr, Dr. A. J. Thompson, Floyd Hoel, Lloyd
Torgrimson, Harry Hanson, Eng cnf�f->r Smith.
Members absent: Clinton Trace, Calvin Bonniwell, Gordon Bublitz.
Minutes of the meeting of Nc�vc�mber 21_, 1966, were approved.
APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE NO. 642. - Radio tower for Farm & Home Distributing
Co., Inc. Mr. William Bakken presented permits from the F.A.A. for the
tower. Engineer Smith pointed out that the above -sea -L -vel elevation was
incorrect and should be corrected J'or F.A.A. records.
Motion made by Lloyd Torgrimsun, seconded by Dr. Thompson, that the Planning
Commission recommends to the City Council that Application for Variance No.
642 be approved providing that the necessary requirements are met from the
F.A.A. as to height and lights. Motion carried.
ROLLING OAKS DEVELOPMENT. Charles Wilson, registered engineer, presented
a proposed layout for land west of Hutchinson along Highway 7. Included
in the proposed layout is a .street to connect Highway 7 with a proposed
bridge across the river from the southwest area of Hutchinson near the high
school. The Planning Commission recommended that the County Engineer be
consulted on the highway development.
Mayor Kost reported to the Commission on, possible housing for the elderly
in Hutchinson, and outlined requirements and procedures to follow in making
application for federal aid on such a project.
Motion was made, seconded and ca triad to adjourn at 8:40 P.M.
Floyd Hoel, Secretary