10-17-1966 PCM c11111CHiNSON PLANNING COMMISSION October 17, 1966 The Regular Meeting of the ficL,,hinson Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Curt Schafcr c 7:30 P.M., October 17, 1966, in the Council Chambers of City Members present: Dr. A. .1. Thompson, Calvin Bonniwell, Clinton Tracy; also Engineer Wilson and Ent,iiieer Smith. Members absent: Floyd Hoel, Gordan Bublitz, Harry Hanson, Lloyd Torgrimson. APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT NO. 619 - Sign at 205 Main Street North - Schenk Service. Motion wa, made by Dr. Thompson, seconded by Clinton Tracy, that the Planning, Conun.is�ion recommends to the City Council that this application for permit be approved in that it conforms with Ordinance No. 2U5 requirements. Motion carried. AERIAL SURVEY. Cost fLgure� were presented from Chicago Aerial Survey for aerial photography of the southwe ,t area of Hutchinson, and for mapping of the photographed area. Detailed discussion of area to be included. Motion was made by Dr. Thompson, seconded by Clinton Tracy, that the Planning Commission should have a representative attend the City Council meeting of October 24, 1966, to discuss their recommendations on aerial photography and mapping. Motion carried. REQUEST FOR VARIANCE NO. 613 - Farmers Union Coop. Oil - Storage building on Part of lot 1, Block 28, N 1/2 City, to replace present building. Motion was made and seconded that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that this Request for Variance be granted with the stipulation that the building be in line with, or in back of the line of, present - buildings on the Jot and in the block, and that trucks are to unload on the west side of tho building. Motion carried. Motion made, seconded and carried to adjourn at 8:30 P.M.