09-26-1966 PCM cHUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Sep', (,nib( r 7z), 1966 A special meeting of the P1 alin ink; Coi,imission was called to order by Chairman Curt Schafer in tt,c C(un(,-iJ Chambers at City Hall, at 5:00 P.M. September 26, 1066. Members present: Harry Hanstn,, h.�. A. J. Thompson, Floyd Hoel, Calvin Bonniwel-1, Engineer Wi-t-,on. Members absent: Clinton Tt,�,c.', f; )!, lon Bublitz, Lloyd Torgrimson. REQUEST FOR VARIANCE NO. (HOZ - ;-,tall garage at 94 -5th Avenue NW - Elton Lueck. Elton Lueek presented an appo,d tor the Commission to reconsider its decision of September 19 and i 1-! ow Iiim a variance in floor -area ratio and set -back requirements. Ttu- appeal was denied. Mr. Lueck indicated he wi.,hed t( ,,;thdraw his request for variance and indicated also he would leave the present garage as it now stands. REQUEST FOR VARIANCE NO. 61i - r,irmers Union Coop. Oil - Storage building on Part of Lot 1, Block 28, N J12 City. Action tabled until- the Commis -ion has an opportunity to view the property in question. SW STORM SEWER AREA. Engineer WiLson distributed maps and photographs of the area to be included in southwest storm sewer area. Dr. Thompson made the recommendation that the Planning Commission indicates to the Council that it should include funds for Engineering studies of this area in their regular budget, inasmuch as the Commission is advisory only and cannot expend funds. Motion was made by Dr. Thompson, seconded by Floyd Hoel, that the Planning Commission requests a budget all-owance of $430.00 for the 1967-1968 fiscal year. Motion carried. Discussion on planning to be di)iio for the southwest area of the City of Hutchinson. Motion made, seconded and carried to adjourn at 5:45 P.M. Flo Hoel, Secretary