July 18, 1966
The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to order
by Vice Chairman Clinton Trac,, at 7:30 P.M., July 18, 1966, in the Council
Chambers at City Hall.
Members present: Harry Hanson, Dr. A. J. Thompson, Gordon Bublitz, Floyd
Hoel, Cal Bonniwell; Engineer Josephson
Members absent: Dr. Curt Schafer, Lloyd Torgrimson
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 20, 1966, were approved after the
following correction:
Add - on page 2 under HOSPITAL - "Dr. A. J. Thompson of the Planning Commission
recommended that the City Council contact the Hospital Board with a view to
making this a municipal hospital because of the advantage in obtaining funds
at a lower rate of interest and eligibility for Hill -Burton funds for con-
Calvin Bonniwell was welcomed as the appointee from the School Board on an
ex -officio basis.
REQUEST FOR VARIANCE NO.582 - Elton Lueck, addition (remodeling) to garage at
94 - 5th Avenue N.W. Motion was made, seconded and carried that the application
be tabled until the August meeting for further investigation.
BUILDING PERMIT NO. 583. Engineer Josephson asked for a clarification of the
Zoning Ordinance on whether the alley is considered as a "lot line". Motion
was made,seconded, and carried that no variance was required and the application
was recommended for approval to the City Council.
Present were Don Comer, Bob Roberts, DeForest Wagner, Ralph Wagner, Ann Vejrosta.
DeForest Wagner presented a proposed sketch of 18 acres of his property, with
Linden Avenue to extend from Dale Street to the county road west of the existing
high school.
Motion was made by Harry Hanson, seconded by Floyd Hoel, that the Planning
Commission recommends to the City Council that it appropriate money to make
preliminary surveys for main streets for the southwest area, survey to be made
by the Engineering Department under the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission,
and subject to approval by the Planning Commission. Motion carried.
Mr. Wagner was advised that he should plat his land in larger lots and with due
consideration to contemplated street patterns.
Meeting adjourned upon motion at 8:45
P.M. /
Floyd oel, Sec ary