06-20-1966 PCM cA
June 20, 1966
The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to
order by Chairman Curt Schafer at 7:30 P.M., June 20, 1966, in the Council
Chambers at City Hall. Present were Harry Hanson, Dr. A. J. Thompson, Floyd
Hoel, Lloyd Torgrimson, Gordon Bublitz, and Engineer Charles Wilson. Absent
was Clinton Tracy.
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 16, 1966, were approved as distributed.
special permit to change the use of the present roller skating rink at Hwy. 15
& Lynn Road South to the fabrication of burial vaults and the manufacturing
of other products using the same equipment and products. The company is now
located in Mpls. and the premises there have been checked by the C & C and
the Planning Commission, and found to be noiseless and odorless.
Motion was made by Lloyd Torgrimson, seconded by Harry Hanson, that the P.C.
recommends to the City Council that this special, --permit be granted. Motion
SPECIAL PERMIT NO. 559. CLIFF BETKER requested a special permit for a sign
at 25 Main Street North. Motion was made by Dr. Thompson, seconded by Harry
Hanson, that the P.C. recommends to the City Council that this special
permit be granted, with the limitation that the sign extend 6' instead of
the 8' requested. Motion carried. (Note: Mr. Betker had paid the $5.00
fee previous to the meeting.)
VARIANCE NO. 555. KENNETH McKAY presented a request for variance in side -yard
set back of 6' at 688 Madson Avenue. Motion was made by Harry Hanson, sec-
onded by Floyd Hoel, that the P,C.•recommends to the City Council that this
this request for variance be granted, subject to payment of the $5.00 fee.
Motion carried. (Note: Mr. McKay has paid the required fee.)
MERICKEL ADDITION FINAL PLAT. Mr. Merickel presented his final plat and asked
for the Planning Commission's approval. Motion was made by Dr. Thompson,
seconded by Floyd Hoel, that the P.C. recommends to the City Council that the
subject plat be approved, subject to review and approval of the Utilities
Commission for easements. Motion carried.
ED GENSMER - Chairman, Memorial Gardens Committee, representing a non-profit
organization for the establishment of a cemetery north of the present parsonage
for Our Savior's Lutheran Church on Bluff Street. Mr. Gensmer was requested
to keep the P.C. posted on plans and developments.
presented a request for a special permit to erect and operate a 2 -stall car
wash behind the future Shell Oil Station at James & 4th Ave. N.W. (lots 4 & 5
Blk 22 N 1/2 City). Motion was made by Floyd Hoel, seconded by Lloyd Torgrimson,
that the P.C. recommends to the City Council that this special permit be
granted, with the stipulation that cars enter from the rear and exit onto,
James Street to alleviate any traffic problem. Motion carried.
Hutchinson Planning Commission - 2 - June 20, 1966
Mayor Don Kost opened the scheduled meeting with members of the Planning
Commission, City Council, Utilities Commission, and School Board of Ind.
District No. 423, outlining the purpose of the meeting as a discussion of
common objectives and problems in future planning.
CITY plans in the next 10 years include, or thought will be given to -
Sewage treatment plant, next fiscal year
1968 interceptor sewer line
Southwest storm sewer district
Southwest permanent streets
Computerized billing
City dump
Off-street parking
Industrial park
Expansion of city limits through annexations
Street paving program
Bridge across river west of present high school
River development - recreation
SCHOOL BOARD - Mr. Altmeyer, Chairman
Long-range planning for S-10 years is their present interest
DON COMER - spokesman for several groups
Hutchinson is subject to great growth, due to industrial expansion.
Vocational school, junior college - both possibilities - should be
included in long-range planning.
Should have planned spending - council, utilities, school.
School is interested in all future plans for their area.
MR. KNUTSON - School Board
Elementary and High Schools are both filling rapidly,and the Board
must soon makes plans for an addition to the elementary school
system. Present location of elementary school not adequate or
available for future expansion, which means securing a new site.
HOSPITAL should also be included in long-range plans.
LLOYD TORGRIMSON of the Planning Commission presented his committee's Bapital
Improvements Guide which now outlines future plans for the city.
Other groups present were requested to notify the committe of their
future plans so these may be included in the Guide.
3-M has asked for increased service. The Commission has already taken
steps to supply increased voltage. They will need new equipment and
their present schedule calls for completkn partly in March 1967 and part
early in 1968. There will be no additional cost to the tax payer,
but costs will be taken care of through plant revenue.
The Board of Education was requeEted to name a member to the Planning Commission.
Hutchinson Planning Commission - 3 - June 20, 1966
it" ROBERT ROBERTS. Roberts 2nd Addition.
Mr. Roberts wished to go on record that he does not want a road between his
property and the present High school, and he wishes to withdraw his proposal
of May 16, 1966, concerning the extension of Alan Street south of Roberts
Motion was made, seconded and carried to table further action on the Roberts
2nd Addition Preliminary Plat.
Mr. De Forest Wagner, Stewart, Minnesota, owner of property in the area south Q)
of Roberts Road and west of Dale Street, stated that he is considering develop -
of all or a portion of his land, and is in agreement that Linden Avenue should
extend west from Dale Street to the road west of the high school, and will
plan his plat or plats accordingly. He requested that he be invited to attend
any future meetings which concern SW area planning.
No action was taken on the request of H. THEO. HANSON & JAMES W. HANSON to
rezone part of lot 91, Lynn Addition, from R-1 to R-2 for the purpose of
erecting apartment buildings.
Meeting adjourned at 11:20 P.M.