05-16-1966 PCM cR#1 H H11TCUINSOIN PLANNING COMMISSION May 16, 1966 The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Curt Schafer at 7:30 P.M., May 16, 1966, in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Present wc,re Harry Hanson, Dr. A. J. Thompson, Dr. Curtis Schafer, Floyd Hoel, Cibito�n Tracy, Lloyd Torgrimson, Gordon Bublitz, and Engineer Charles Wilson. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 18, 1966 were approved as distributed. Minutes of the Special Meeting of May 2 - action was tabled until later in the meeting. JAMES ENEVOLDSON - Preliminary Plat for First Addition to Maryview. Part of SW 1/4, Section 2-T-116 N, F -30W (south grade of Otter Lake.) Mr. Enevoldson presented a drawing of the Preliminary Plat for First Addition to Maryview, asking for approval of this drawing so that Dr. Schafer can sign the plat when it is completed by the surveyor. Mr. Ed. Duesterhoeft stated that the plat meets the approval of the Township Board. Motion was made by Clinton Tracy, seconded by Dr. Thompson, that the Planning Commission recom- mends approval of this Preliminary Plat for First Addition to Maryview. Motion carried. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH - Request for Variance No. 508. Mr. Art Avis presented a letter from Robert Linder, new owner of the Peace Lutheran Church parsonage, on Franklin & 4th Ave. S.W., stating that he had no objection to this request for variance. Motion was made by Dr. Thompson, seconded by Harry Hanson, that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that this request be granted. Motion carried. HEARING ON PUBLICATION NO. 980 - Preliminary Plat - Roberts 2nd Addition Chairman Schafer opened the hearing at 8:10 P.M. Present were Mr. & Mrs. Robert Roberts, platters; Ed Duesterhoeft, Lynn Township board; Don Comer, Attorney, School District No. 423. Discussion, primarily of storm sewers and extension of Alan Street south of Roberts Road. The School's primary interest is to have access to the school site for possible future Area -Vocational School and Junior College. Mr. Roberts' primary interest is to keep the trees on the Alan Street line and his warehouse. Mr. Roberts agreed to wident Kay Street to 601. Motion was made by Harry Hanson, seconded by Lloyd Torgrimson, that the Planning Commission recommends to the School Board of School District No. 423 ARdiaatR that right-of-way for Alan Street be dedicated as follows: School District No. 423 - north half Robert Roberts - south half Motion carried. Motion was made by Gordon Bublitz, seconded by Floyd Hoel, that the Plann}ng Commission recommends that School District No. 423 dedicate the entire right- of-way for Alan Street in order that houses in Roberts Second Addition could face the school site. Motion carried. Hearing closed at 9:30 P.M. Hutchinson Planning Commission - 2 - May 16, 1966 HUTCHINSON INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT - Preliminary Plat Present for Hutch Growth were Bob Stearns, Homer Peterson and Iry Burich. Discussion on meeting between officers of Hutch Growth and Engineer Wilson. Motion was made by Lloyd Torgr_imson, seconded by Clinton Tracy, that the Planning Commission recomim,nds to the City Council. the advisability of platting the Hutchinson IndustVial District as submitted by 1ka Hutch Growth, with road changes ar, a,,reed upon in the Revised Preliminary Plat on file in the City Clerk's c,i t' i.ce. 'Motion carried. IELMTITH KADDATZ - Request for Variance in rear yard set back No. 537. Motion was made by Dr. Thompson, seconded by Harry Manson, that the Planning Commission recommends approval of this request for variance. Motion carried. ED GENSMER - Chairman, Memorial Gardens Committee, made up of members from Our Savior's LutheranChurch, presented proposed plans for a 5 -acre cemetery north of the present Our Savior's Lutheran Church parsonage on Bluff Street. He requested approval of the Planning Commission under present zoning regu- lations. The request will be placed on the June agenda. REPORT ON ORDINANCE NO. 235 - City Engineer Mr. Wilson, City Engineer, presented a report in writing on "Payments for Improvements in New Subdivisions." Commission members were asked to study the report and be prepared for discussion at the ,June meeting. Also to be placed on the June agenda is discussion on future planning in the Southwest area of Hutchinson. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Floyd Hoel, Secretary