05-19-1969 PCM cHUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION May 19, 1969 The Regular Meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Clint Tracy at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, May 19, 1969, in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Members present: Clint Tracy, Ethne Stearns, Dr. A. J. Thompson (until 9:15 P.M.), Leslie Linder, Gordon Bublitz, Engineer Priebe, Adm. Asst. Mealey. Members absent:' John Povolny, Arne Heil, Tom Cone Minutes of the meeting of April 21, 1969, were read and approved on motion. PETITION FOR ANNEXATION - HARRINGTON LAND & DEVELOPMENT CO. Motion by Leslie Linder, seconded by Dr. A. J. Thompson, that the Planning Commission approves annexation as per petition filed with the City Clerk on April 28, 1969 and with the City Council on April 28, 1969. Motion carried unanimously. PRELIMINARY PLAT - STONEY POINT ADDITION (Harrington Land & Development Co.) Chairman Tracy called for Hearing on Publication No. 1167 at 8:00 P.M. Engineer Priebe presented the preliminary plat and reported it had been duly filed with the Secretary of the Planning Commission and the City Council, with proper fees paid. No persons were present.for the hearing. Discussion: 1) Proposed School Road is in accordance with plans for future bridge across the Crow River. 2) Planning for bridge should include construction of approaches at least one year prior to actual building of the bridge to allow for settling. 3) Discussion of flooding of lots along the river. City cannot allow permits for construction which will become an expense to the city for protection from flood waters. Engineer Priebe stated grade of proposed streets should allow for construc- tion which will be well above any expected flooding. 4) Recommendation that developer give a perpetual easement to the City for the School Road from Lewis Avenue to the Crow River (?) and for the proposed lift station for sanitary sewer, brprovide for utilities and street. Hearing closed at 8:30 P.M. Motion by Dr. Thompson, seconded by Leslie Linder, that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that the Preliminary Plat of Stoney Point Addition be approved with the following stipulations: 0 Hutchinson Planning Commission - 2 - Preliminary Plat - Stoney Point Addition (continued) 121 easements for drainage and utilities on all side and rear lot lines, centered on the lot lines• plat to be Parks and playgrounds contribution for the p negotiated between the developer and the Planning Commission, prior to submission of the plan of the Final Plat. Developer to grant to the city a perpetual easement of that area between Lot 1 Block 7 and the School Road of the proposed plat, and of the School Road from Lewis Avenue to the north limits of the proposed plat, said easement to be used for sewer lines and sewer lift station to accommodate sewer construction for said proposed plat. Execution of Subdivision Agreement prior to approval of the Final Plat. Deferred assessments on Lea and ^Alan �Streets et$bpaid. �izs€xAsa� 1. 2. 3. 4. S. May 19, 1969 Motion carried unanimously. TON LAND ___& Chairman Tracy called for Hearing on Publication No. 1167 at 8:00 P.M., including proposed prezoning of annexation as 11R-1" Single Family and Two Family Residential. No persons were present for the hearing. son, seconded by Ethne Stearns, that the Planning Commission Motion by Dr. Thomp recommends to the City Council that the property to be annexed by Harrington Land and Development Co. (a potation of Stoney Point Addition) be prezoned "R-1" as petitioned. Motion carried unanimously. PRELIMINARY PLAT - HANSON'S 2ND ADDITION (Harry R. Hanson) Chairman Tracy called for Hearing on Publication No. 1168 at 8:30 P.M. No persons were present for the hearing. Engineer Priebe presented the Preliminary Plat and reported it had been duly filed with the Secretary of the Planning Commission and the City Council, with proper fees paid. lat and Engineer Priebe explained area, and thatis a e-lotwater and ewer servioproposed cesareavailable. street patterns for the area. Hearing closed at 8:40 P.M. Motion by Leslie Linder, �heoCd�d othatbthezBreliminary, that the PPlatlof CCommission recommends to y Council Hanson's 2nd Addition be approved with the stipulationthat easements for utilities and drainage will be provided as required. unanimously. PRELIMINARY PLAT - ACADEMY ACRES 1st ADDITION (Cecil Conquest) Chairman Tracy called for Hearing on Publication No. 1169 at 8:45 P.M. One person was present for hearing, questioning location of the proposed plat. Engineer Priebe presented the Preliminary Plat and reported it had been duly filed with the Secretary of the Planning Commission and the City Council, with proper fees paid. Hutchinson Planning Commission - 3 - May 19, 1969 Preliminary Plat - Academy Acres 1st Addition (continued) Engineer Priebe reported water and sewer lines are installed on Oak Street and that the developer will install service leads to the lots on the proposed plat and also extend water and sewer to service Lot 1, Block 1. Hearing closed at 8:55 P.M. Motion by Dr. Thompson, seconded by Leslie Linder, that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that the Preliminary Plat of Academy Acres 1st Addition be approved with the stipulation that easements for utilities and drainage will be provided as required. Motion carried unanimously. PRELIMINARY PLAT - RIVERVIEW HILL ADDITION (Robert Stearns) Chairman Tracy called for Hearing on Publication No. 1170 at 9:00 P.M. Present for the hearing,were Thomas Savage, Folmer B. Petersen, H. Theo. Hanson and L. C. Wick, all owners of property within 3001 of the proposed plat. Engineer Priebe presented the Preliminary Plat and reported it had been duly filed with the Secretary of the Planning Commission and the City Council, with proper fees paid, further explaining that the purpose of the plat is to clarify and simplify descriptions of the property in the plat efor/sale and transfer of ownership. purposes of He further stated the only change this replatting would involve would be the abandonment of approximately 251 of the westerly end of First Avenue NW, to make a straight line of the easterly line of proposed lot 1. The four property owners present questioned whether there might be some way to plat these parts of lots 1 and 2, block 39, N 1/2, to provide access to lands lying westerly and southwesterly of the proposed plat. Hearing closed at 9:45 P.M. Motion by Leslie Linder, seconded by Gordon Bublitz, that recommendation on the Preliminary Plat of Riverview Hill Addition be held in abeyance until the above property owners have conferred with Robert Stearns as to the possibility of replatting to extend First Avenue NW westerly of the proposed plat. Motion carried unanimously, (Dr. Thompson being absent.) PLAN OF FINAL PLAT OF ACADEMY ACRES 1ST ADDITION (Cecil Conquest) Engineer Priebe presented the Plan of the Final Plat of Academy Acres, and noted report filed �,byr, Secretary of the Planning Commission. Motion by Leslie Linder, seconded by Gordon Bublitz, that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that the Plan of the Fina. Plat of Academy Acres lst Addition be approved, and that approval of the Final Plat be contingent upon signing of a Subdivision Agreement to include the following: Hutchinson Planning Commission - 4 - May 19, 1969 Plan of Final Plat - Academy Acres 1st Addition (continued) 1) Developer to install water and sewer service leads to Lots 1-6 (inclusive), Block 2. 2) Developer to extend water and sewer lines and install service leads to Lot 1, Block 1. 3) Payment of Parks and Playgrounds contribution of $455.00. Motion carried unanimously. PLAN OF FINAL PLAT - HANSON'S 2ND ADDITION (Harry R. Hanson) Engineer Priebe presented Plan of the Final Plat of Hanson's 2nd Addition, and noted report filed by Secretary of the Planning Commission. Motion by Gordon Bublitz, seconded by Dr. Thompson, that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that the Plan of the Final Plat of Academy Acres 1st Addition be approved, and that approval of the Final Plat be contingent upon payment of Parks and Playgrounds contribution of $65.00. Motion carried unanimously. APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE NO. 983 - Lloyd Rath - Setback for side lot variance for garage at 815 2nd Avenue SW. Application and report from Adm. Asst. Mealey were presented, with notation that proper fee had been paid. Motion by Gordon Bublitz, seconded by Leslie Linder, that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that Application for Variance No. 983 from Lloyd Rath be denied, as recommended by the Adm. Asst., based on the following findings: 1) No apparent exceptional difficulties in utilizing the lot in a manner customary and legally permissible. 2) Ordinance restrictions would not create undue hardship upon the owner that any other owner in this same district would nct, have . 3) Difficulties could be resolved if the property owner would purchase additional land. Mbtion carried unanimously (Dr. Thompson being absent.) APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE NO. 985 - Goebel Fixture Co. - Setback for rear lot variance for addition. Application and report from Adm. Asst. were presented, with notation that proper fee had been paid. Motion by Gordon Bublitz, seconded by Ethne Stearns, that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that Application for Variance No. 985 from Goebel Fixture Co. be approved, based on the following findings; as recommended by the Adm. Asst.: Hutchinson Planning Commission - 5 - May 19, 1969 Application for Variance No. 985- Goebel Fixture Co. (continued) 1) Strict application of the provisions of Ordinance #245 would result in exceptional difficulties in property utilization. 2) No apparent depressing effect upon the adjoining residential property; and further that Goebel Fixture Company be aftised that further additions to buildings to the south or west would probably exceed the tolerance of other affected owners and further variances from the strict application would be difficult or nearly impossible to allow. Motion carried unani- mously (Dr. Thompson being absent.) APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE NO. 1014 - Maplewood Academy - Setback for side lot variance for addition to industrial building Lot 10 Block 2,Hutchinson Industrial District. Application and report from City Engineer were presented, with notation that proper fee had been paid. Motion by Lesli* B.Linder, seconded by Ethne Stearns, that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that Application for Variance No. 1014 be approved, based on the following findings, as recommended by the City Engineer: 1) Said variance will allow construction of a spur from the existing railroad line to serve such industrial use of the building. 2) Strict application of the provisions of Ordinance #245 would result in exceptional difficulties in property utilization insofar as use of the railroad is concerned. 3) No apparent depressing effect upon the adjoining industrial property. Motion carried unanimously (Dr. Thompson being absent.) APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT NO. 990 - Roger Mies, Ins., and Frank J. Fay Realty - Sign at 126 Main Street South. Application was presented with notice of proper fee paid, and report from the City Engineer that it meets the requirements for signs as listed in Ordinance No. 245. Motion by Leslie Linder, seconded by Gordon Bublitz, that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that Application for Special Permit No. 990 for sign at 126 Main Street South be approved on the basis that it meets all requirements of Ordinance No. 245. Motion carried unanimously. (Dr. Thompson being absent). SUBSCRIPTIONS TO MINNESOTA MUNICIPALITIES a Members of the Commission requested that the City Clerk renew subscriptions to Minnesota Municipalities for all members of the Commission. . Hutchinson Planning Commission - 6 - May 19, 1969 PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS CONTRIBUTION FOR STONEY POINT ADDITION Gordon Bublitz, Leslie Linder and Adm. Asst. Mealey were appointed by Chairman Tracy as a committee to meet with developers of Stoney Point Addition to negotiate Parks and Playgrounds contribution prior to submission of the plan of the final plat. CONTOUR MAPS Engineer Priebe stated contour maps have been received as recommended by the Planning Commission on January 20, 1969, and that the bill submitted was about $100.00 more than the estimated cost. LAND FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT SUBSTATIONS Leslie Linder recommended that the Planning Commission give some thought to reserving land on proposed county road #77 between Dale Street and T.H. #15 for a fire department substation inasmuch as such a station will no doubt be required in the future, and reserving the land now would give residential users of adjoining properties knowledge of intent prior to residential construction. Motion made, seconded and carried to adjourn at 10:20 P.M. '-t3Tk.�- Ethne Stearns, Secretary 1