07-08-1969 PCM cr
July 8, 1969
A Special Meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to
order by Chairman Tracy at 1:00 P.M. on Monday, July 8, 1969, in the
Council Chambers.
Members present: Clinton Tracy, Gordon Bublitz, Dr. A. J. Thompson,
John Povolny, Ethne Stearns, Arne Heil, Engineer
• Priebe, Adm. Asst. Mealey
Members absent: Leslie Linder'; Tom Cone
Engineer Priebe presented the Plan of the Final Plat of Stoney Point
Addition, including the entire area of the Preliminary Plat so that
future annexations can be simplified in description.
Motion by Ethne Stearns, seconded by Dr. A. J. Thompson, and carried
unanimously that the Planning Commission recommends to the City
Council that the Plan of the Final Plat of Stoney Point Addition
be approved with the following stipulations:
1. Lea STREET to be corrected to Lea AVENUE.
2. Lot 1, Block 2, to be subdivided and westerly portion thereof
to be dedicated to City of Hutchinson.
3. Lot 1, Block 1, is a substandard lot and not buildable until
replatted in a future addition.
4. Subdivider to submit a plan of the alignment of School Road
extended to tie into the School Road previously platted in
Rolling Oaks Addition.
5. Parks and playgrounds contribution to be paid before signing
of Final Plat, with set amount to be included in Subdivision
6. Final Plat to have realignment of Lewis Avenue to conform to
extension of existing Lewis Avenue from Larson' Street west,
said extension centerline to be on the centerline of existing
Lots 10 and 11 of Auditor's Plat of NW 1/4 Section 1 Township
116 Range 30.
7. Subdivision Agreement to be signed before City signs the Final
Plat for registration.
Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn at 1:30 P.M.
Ethne Stearns, Secretary