06-16-1969 PCM cHUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 16, 1969 The Regular Meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Clint Tracy at 7:30 P.M. on Monday,.June 16, 1969, in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Members present: Clint Tracy, John Povolny, Gordon Bublitz, Tom Cone, Leslie Linder, Engineer Priebe, Adm. Asst. Mealey Members absent: Ethne Stearns, Dr. A. J. Thompson, Arne Heil Minutes of the meeting of May 19, 1969, were approved as distributed. RIVERVIEW HILL ADDITION - PRELIMINARY PLAT Robert Stearns, developer, was present and stated no owners of adjacent properties had contacted him following the Planning Commission hearing of May 19, 1969 to provide access to lots westerly and southwesterly of the proposed plat. Motion by Gordon Bublitz, seconded by John Povolny, that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that the Preliminary Plat of Riverview Hill Addition be approved as presented, and fuvther that the west 26 feet (approximate) of First Avenue Northwest be vacated as indicated on the proposed plat. Motion carried unanimously. APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE UNDER ORDINANCE NO. 235 - Nathan Smutka, Beulah Carter. Nathan Smutka presented a Request for Variance under Ordinance No. 235, Section 12-C, to permit transfer of tract of land approximately 3 acres in size, located in Section 7, Township 116 North, Range 29 West, accord- ing to map on file in the office of -the City Clerk, stating it his intent to build a home on the land specified in the request for variance. Mr. Smutka presented a letter from Beulah Carter, stating she has no objections to the property being used for a residence. Motion by Leslie Linder, seconded by Tom Cone, that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that Request for Variance from Nathan Smutka be approved, said request being variance from strict application of subdivision regulations under Ordinance No. 235, to permit registration of land transfer, based on findings that such transfer and resultant residential dwelling will not be detrimental to public welfare; and further that findings herein are based on Subdivision Ordinance No. 235, Section 12-C. Motion carried unanimously. Hutchinson Planning Commission (continued) - 2 - June 16, 1969 HEARING ON PUBLICATION NO. 1179 - Request for Rezoning from Norman Zachow. Chairman Tracy opened the hearing on Publication No. 1179 at 8:00 P.M. Said publication covered rezoning from "R-111 to 11B-311 for properties described as: All that part of Lots 18, 19, 24-1/2 and 20 of Auditor's Plat of the South Half of Section 6, Township 116 North, Range 29 West, lying southerly and easterly of the southeasterly right-of-way line of Minnesota Trunk Highway No. 15. Five (5) persons were present for the hearing. Engineer Priebe presented a drawing of the area being considered for re- zoning. Myron Fischer stated he would object to rezoning of lots 19, 24-1/2 and 20 as described in the hearing notice until such time as a determination is made of proposed land use, further stating he had no objection to rezoning of Lot 18 as petitioned by Norman Zachow. Other property owners present concurred with Mr. Fischer's statement, and recommended that the City proceed with rezoning of Mr. Zachow's property only at this time. Chairman Tracy declared the hearing closed at 8:22 P.M. Motion by Tom Cone, seconded by Gordon Bublitz, that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that it proceed with rezoning of Lot 18, as petitioned by Norman Zachow, from "R-111 Single Family and Two Family Residential District to "B-311 General Business District, with the stipulation that a service road be provided at the northerly limits of Lot 18 to provide for proper traffic control. Motion carried unanimously. PETITION FOR ANNEXATION - Carl Moehring and Herman Larson Motion by Leslie Linder, seconded by Tom Cone, that the Planning Commission approves the annexation of properties as petitioned by Carl Moehring and Herman Larson, pursuant to petition filed with the City Council on June 9, 1969. Motion carried unanimously. STONEY POINT ADDITION - PRELIMINARY PLAN OF FINAL PLAT Engineer Priebe presented preliminary plan of final plat for Stoney Point Addition, and pointed out the following changes from the Preliminary Plat previously approved: 1) Realignment of School Road. Engineer Priebe is to check with developer to confirm alignment of School Road in proposed plat with School Road as platted north of the Crow River. 2) Lewis Avenue curved to better utilize land use. No objections were voiced by the Planning Commission. 3) Circle Drive shown as cul-de-sac, 60' radius. No objections were voiced by the Planning Commission. Hutchinson Planning Commission (continued) - 3 - June 16, 1969 STONEY POINT ADDITION - PRELIMINARY PLAN OF FINAL PLAT (continued) Commission members reaffirmed the requirement that perpetual easement be given to the City for sewer lines and sewer lift station, (See minutes of May 19, 1969, page 2, item 3.) The Negotiating Committee, as appointed May 19, 1969, presented its recommendation that the City accept an amount equal to 5% of the unimproved value of the entire fifty acre parcel and excuse subsequent plats within the parcel from .the application of this section of Ordinance No. 235 (Section 10-C). Based on recent sale of the parcel at $100,000 established fair market value, the contribution to Parks and Playgrounds would be $5,000, to be paid at the time of the filing of the final plat, provision for payment being a part of the Subdivision Agreement between developer and City. This recommendation has been approved by the developer. plan of final No formal action on preliminary/plat or recommendation of the Negotiating Committee for Parks and Playgrounds contribution. GITY FIELD Mr. Field discussed Vith the Planning Commission the condition of County Ditch #20 and #22, stating storm sewer drainage through these ditches should be taken into consideration when theCommission considers plats or development in the area north of Hutchinson and east of Highway No. 15, inasmuch as rerouting to Campbell Lake may be advisable to alleviate over- loading. DISCUSSION AND REVIEW of regulations for building in townships and McLeod County Interim Zoning and Platting Ordinance. Adm. Asst. Mealey recommended that a statement of clarification be drawn up to differentiate between platting, zoning and building permit regula- tions and requirements in the area within the 2 -mile limit of the City and in McLeod County. APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT NO. 1002 - Awning - Wally's Tire Shop, lst Avenue NE. The City Engineer presented Application for Special Permit No. 1002 from Walter Teich for awning at Wally's Tire Shop, lst Avenue NE, and recommended its approval in that it meets requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Motion by Tom Cone, seconded by Leslie Linder, that Application for Special Permit No. 1002, proper fee paid, be recommended to the City Council for approval, Motion carried unanimously. APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT NO. 1030 - Sign (lettering on face of building) at Hutchinson Leader, 11-9 Main Street South. The City Engineer presented Application for Special Permit No. 1030 from Donald M. Peterson for lettering at Hutchinson Leader, 119 Main Street South, and recommended its approval in that it meets requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. 0 Hutchinson Planning Commission (continued) - 4 - June 16, 1969 Application for Special Permit No. 1030 (continued) Motion by Tom Cone, seconded by Leslie Linder, that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that Application for Special Permit No. 1030 from Donald M. Peterson for lettering of sign on face of building at Hutchinson Leader, 119 Main Street South, be approved and permit issued. Motion carried unanimously. APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT NO. 1031 - Addition to sign at Family Rexall Drug (Hutch Hotel building by Milton Lueneburg). No action taken pending receipt of further information on size of sign, location of sign, and determination of its compliance with Zoning Ordinance No. 245 regulations. Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn at 10:23 P.M. Tracy Acting Secretary