08-26-1969 PCM cHUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION August 26, 1969 A special meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Clint Tracy at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, August 26, 1969. Members present: Leslie Linder, Ethne Stearns, Arnold Heil, Also Present: Engineer Priebe; Adm. Asst. Mealey; Don Rye; Midwest Planning Members Absent: Dr. Thompson, Tom Cone, Gordon Bublitz Chairman Tracy introduced Mr. Don Rye who displayed maps and explained in detail the current plans for possible traffic flow in the perimiter areas of the City, the current land use and the existing possibilities for growth. He pointed out the unplanned growth in the North part of the City and stressed the importance of pursuing orderly annexation to enhance planning. He further stressed the importance of planning along Highway 7, pointing out that the development along the highway to the west has somewhat blocked expansion to the north of the highway. He stressed controlling flood areas. The main point in planning the perimeter traffic flow is to see that it does not get blocked off with development and subdivisions. At 9:00 P.M. Chairman Tracy called to order a meeting with the Lynn Town Board, and Chuck Wilson representing Mr. Earl McDonald, McDonald's Trailer Court. Members Present: Vernon Hahn, Clerk; Royal Knutson, Supervisor; Victor Klawitter, Supervisor Also Present: Mr. Adrey Johnson, Gerhard Froemming Mr. Tracy introduced Mr. Wilson, Engineer for McCombs -Knutson Associates, Inc. Mr. Wilson passed around copies of maps of the plan of McDonald's Trailer Park. He then stated that he is asking permission to go ahead with plans for expansion of the Mobile Home Park the way Mr. McDonald feels it should develop and to make more water front lots available. He suggested continuing Roberts Road on through, not necessarily in a straight line along the low area to provide drainage. The discussion centered around the access road to the Park. Engineer Priebe questioned Mr. Wilson regarding plans for another road to provide two outlets and Mr. Wilson stated that two roads were not anticipated at this time. He suggested that the South Grade road be upgraded and extended on in as that would be less expensive than to extend Roberts Road. The discussion continued centering around the accessability to the Park and the necessity for dual access , particularly during heavy snowfall. Mr. Hahn invited Mr. Wilson to attend the Lynn town board meeting to be held on Wednesday, August 27, 1969. It was further suggested that perhaps a meeting with the adjoining property owners might be profitable. Mr. Tracy stated that he felt that the subject had gone as far as it could at this meeting. Mr. Linder moved that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Heil seconded the motion It and the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P. M. Inc Special Permit No. 1064 - for a sign at 145 N. Hassan requested by Gary Mickle Special Permit No. 1069 - sign - Mrs. Aurelia Pfeiffer, 415 Jefferson Mr. Linder moved the permits be approved. Mrs. Stearns seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. Ethne Stearns (Mrs.) Secretary