09-15-1969 PCM cHUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION September 15, 1969 The Regular Meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to order by Leslie Linder, acting as chairman on request of Clinton Tracy, in the Council Chambers at 7:30 P.M. Monday, September 15, 1969. Members present: Leslie Linder, Tom Cone, Arne Heil; Adm. Asst. Mealey, Engineer Priebe Members absent: Clinton Tracy, Ethne Stearns, Gordon Bublitz, Dr. A. J. Thompson (John Povolny having resigned) MIDWEST PLANNING AND RESEARCH - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Donald Rye presented preliminary Physical Studies report and reviewed the report together with maps showing proposed street patterns, utilities, traffic flow. He requested that members of the Planning Commission review the study for corrections, cla/rif ication and recommendations. 1 No business was transacted for lack of a quorum, and acting chairman Linder called for a special meeting at 8:30 A.M. on Friday, September 19, 1969, for action on agenda items. Meeting closed at 9:50 P.M. Leslie Linder, Acting Chairman