09-19-1969 PCM cr, HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Special Meeting - September 19, 1969 A Special Meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Clinton Tracy in the Council Chambers at 8:30 A.M. on Friday, September 19, 1969. Members present: Clinton Tracy, Dr. A. J. Thompson, Leslie Linder, Gordon Bublitz, Arne Heil; Adm. Asst. Mealey, Engineer Priebe Members absent: Tom Cone, Ethne Stearns Minutes of the regular meeting of August 18, 1969 and special meeting of August 26, 1969 were approved on motion. SUCCESSOR TO JOHN POVOLNY Motion by Leslie Linder, seconded by Gordon Bublitz, and carried that the Planning Commission recommends to Mayor Kost and the City Council that David E. Jensen be appointed to complete the unexpired term of John Povolny, term to expire March 31, 1970. APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT NO. 1071- Sign - Tiny Tiger Store - 11 Main Street North Motion by Leslie Linder, seconded by Dr. A. J. Thompson, and carried, that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that applica- tion No. 1071 from Wilbert E. Hauff for sign at Tiny Tiger Store at 11 Main Street North, accompanied by proper fee, be approved and permit issued in compliance with Ordinance No. 245. APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT NO. 1084 - Beauty Shop at 41 -4th Ave. SW, Discussion of application for special permit No. 1.084 from Donald M. and Karen M. Norine for a one -operator beauty shop at 41 -4th Avenue SW, legally described as W 1/2 Lot 6 and 7, Block 32, S 1/2 City. The Planning Commission expressed the opinion that, according to past action on similar requests, such use would not be classified as a home occupation and would require a request for rezoning. REQUEST FOR TEMPORARY PERMIT FOR TRAILER HOME - Dale Inselman Adm. Asst. Mealey presented request from Dale Inselman for special temporary permit to park a mobile home on the John Miller farm just west of McDonald Trailer Sales, permit to expire when permanent location can be found. Motion by Gordon Bublitz, seconded by Arne Heil, that the Planning Commission recommends -to the City Council that request for temporary permit from Dale Inselman for parking of mobile home on John Miller farm Hutchinson Planning Commission - September 19, 1969 page 2 V west of McDonald Trailer Sales (Hwy. 7 West) be approved for a period of sixty (60) days subject to availability of water and sewer utilities and other requirements of Ordinance No. 227. Motion carried. 1970-1971 BUDGET Adm. Asst. Mealey presented the proposed budget for 1970-1971 as follows: Consultant services Travel, conference, etc. Salaries (temporary) $ 8,500.00 200.00 300.00 $ 9000.00 Motion by Leslie Linder, seconded by Arne Heil and carried, that the Planning Commission accepts recommendation for 1970=1971 budget as presented by Adm. Asst. Mealey. PROPOSED PLAN OF STREETS AND PARK - EARL McDONALD FARM Engineer Priebe presented a proposed plat for street and park layout for the Earl McDonald Farm lying west of the School Road and north of C.R. #77, stating that such proposed plat would be presented to Lynn Township after Mr. McDonald has determined satisfactory building costs for the road proposed. The Planning Commission agreed the proposed plat of streets and parks as submitte by Earl McDonald for that part of Section 2 Township 116 Range 29 lying south and east of Otter Lake is approved subject to the following: 1) That a plat of a survey be submitted to the city and Lynn Township for the area lying west of McDonald's Addition and bounded on the north by the extension of Roberts Road and on the south by the extension of McDonald's Drive; plan to show the area to be committed for the total mobile home park. 2) An easement for Roberts Road and McDonald's Drive west of McDonald's Addition to be drawn in favor of the City of Hutchinson and Township of Lynn. 3) The mobile park expansion shall be contingent upon the construction of the following roadway to minimum standards for the Township of Lynn: Road being McDonald's Drive from C.R. #77 west approximately 17001; a roadway southerly at the west end of the above section of McDonald's Drive for approximately 3S0'; thence westerly a distance of approximately 3501; thence southerly along the east property line of James Enevoldeen's and Adrian Johnson's and the west property line of Earl McDonald a distance of approximately 1750' to the existing county road (South Grade Road.) 4) An easement for the roadway described above in item 3 shall be drawn in favor of the City of Hutchinson and Township of Lynn. Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn at 9:15 A.M. Clinton Tracy, Acting Secretary