12-15-1969 PCM cHUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 15, 1969 The Regular Meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Clint Tracy in the Council Chambers at 7:30 P.M. Members present: Gordon Bublitz; Dave Jensen, Tom Cone, Dr. Thompson, Mrs. Deanovic, Les Linder Members absent: Arnold Heil Also Present: Adm. Asst. Mealey, Engineer Priebe, Citizens as listed on Attachment Minutes of the regular meeting of November 17 were read and approved. Chairman Tracy acknowledged Vic Swanson who inquired about the zoning of his property along Highway 7 West and whether it would have to be rezoned for construction of a small shopping center. Chairman Tracy referred the request to Adm. Asst. Mealey and asked him to investigate the annexation ordinances involved. Chairman Tracy welcomed Mrs. Deanovic to tf,t Comr-"�,sion and introduced her to the members. Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Scharmer inquired ab(,tit openi , T 1 i)cauty shop on their property on Highway 15 South opposite the nc-w `.0 ,pital. They were asked to present a petition for rezoning. HEARING ON PUBLICATION # 1230 At 8:00 P.M. Chairman Tracy declared Public Hearing on request for rezoning as advertised in publication #1230 open, and read the publication. He then introduced Mr. Don Dressel representing the developer who presented maps, diagrams and a full explanation of' the regLie:it. There ensued substantial discussion with members of' the Planning Commission, Members of the City Council, and interested residents participating. No one appeared to voice objection to the request for rezoning to B -SC, Shopping Center and -B-1, neighborhood business, as outlined in the formal request. Chairman Tracy asked whether there was anyone else present who wished to be heard. Noone appearing, Chairman Tracy then declared the hearing closed at 8:40 P.M. Chairman Tracy called for a motion on the findings of the Commission. Les Linder made a motion that the Planning Commission reeommend:approval of rezoning from B-1 to B -SC, R-2 to B -SC, and R-2 to B-1 as outlined in the formal request. Motion seconded by Dave Jensen and carried. PLANNING COMMISSION -2- DECEMBER 15,'1969 HEARING ON PUBLICATION # 1231 At the hour of 8:45 P.M. Chairman Tracy declared the Public Hearing on a request for rezoning as advertised in publication #1231 (l)en. Chairman Tracy presented a sketch of the proposed Structure which c,as given him by N]r. Richard Maahs, representative. of Reid Realty who dre, up the request, and explained that: Mr. Maahs was not able to be present cte W to business out of town. Numerous residents of the area were pre-,ent ano voiced objections to the rezoning of the residential neighborhood to B-3, general business. Mr. Norman Johnson, property owner was also present and stated that he had very little knowledge of the p.lans of the prospective pure•haser of his property. General discussion was held among members of the Planning Commission, City Council and interested parties. Chairman Tracy inquired whether any further comments wve desired. There being none, the hearing was declared closed at 9:00 P.M. Dave Jensen made a motion that the Planning Commission recommend disapproval of the rezoning request. Motion was ,e,conded by Les Linder and carried. There being no further business, Chairman Tracy called for a motion for adjournment. Motion was made: by Gordon Bublitz, secondf,d by Toni Cone and the meeting was adjourned at 9:05. Y.M. Clinton Tracy, Acting Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Richard Schmidtbauer Verle R.Poffenberger Donald J. Dressel Russell E. Haigh Kenneth F. Born Don Kost Vic Swanson D. J. Black Curt Schafer jay Alrick R. T. Richards Mr. & Mrs. Elton Lueck Henry Krussow William J. Christensen Phillip H. Johnson Mrs. Felix Esping Mrs. Agnes J. Bach Irwin Jordan Norman L.Johnson Ed Hoffman Mrs. Willard Pellinen Willard Pellinen Mr. d Mrs. W. John Tupa Mr. d Mrs. Wm. Kucera Norman Johnson Decer;ber 15, 1969