The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman C.lLnt Tracy.
Members present: Mrs. Deanovic, Les Linder, Clint Tracy, Gordon Bublitz,
Dr. Thompson, Dave Jensen, Arnold Heil
Members absent: Tom Cone
Also present: City Engineer Marlow Priebe, Adm. AssTt. Mealey
Chairman Tracy introduced Mr. John Korngeible, who presented a preliminary
sketch of the proposed subdivision development to be known as River Hills
Terrace by Char -Bon Inc. of Hopkins. The area proposed to be developed is
approximately seven tenths of a mile south of the City limits on old highway
22, in Hassan Valley Township, involving 83 acres of land and including 64
town houses and 171 apartments with 100 single family unit,,, all streets to
terminate in cul de sacs. An area along the river has been designated as
"Forever Forest" to be used as natural park land. Discussion was postponed
until the scheduled hearings were completed. Mr. Korngeibl-e thanked the
Commission and stated that tie would wait to hear their decision.
PUBLICATION 1236 - Request for Rezoning, Mr. Vic Swanson
PUBLICATION 1237 - Request for Rezoning, King Motel
At 7:45 P.M. Chairman Tracy declared the public hearing open on the rezoning
of the adjoining Swanson and King Motel properties along highway 7 West. Mr.
Swanson was present and it was explained that at the time the properties were
annexed the zoning had been overlooked and in accordance with Ordinance 245
they automatically became R-1, single family residential. Engineer Priebe
displayed a map indicating the areas involved. After some discussion, Les
Linder moved that the properties be approved by the Planning Commission for
rezoning from R-1, Single Family Residential to B-3, Genera!_ Business. Dr.
Thompson seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously.
The hearing was declared closed at 8:00 P.M.
PUBLICATION 1238 - Preliminary Plat of Cedar Acres
Chairman Tracy declared the public hearing open on the preliminary plat of
Cedar Acres at 8:00 P.M. Mr. Don Dressel and Mr.Richard Schmidtbauer were
present, among others. Engineer Priebe presented the land use maps of the area
for the consideration of the Commission members. No objections were raised and
Chairman Tracy called for a motion. Gordon Bublitz moved the Planning Com-
mission accept the preliminary plat as presented. Les Linder seconded the
motion and it was carried unanimously.
Chairman Tracy declared the hearing closed at 8:09 P.M.
Planning Commission Minutes -2- January 19, 1970
Chairman Tracy presented Sign Permit application No. 1146 for consideration.
After brief discussion Les Linder moved the Planning Commission ipprove the
application subject to Building Official's approval. Motion was seconded by
Gordon Bublitz and carried unanimously.
PUBLICATION 1239 - Request for rezoning by Ruben and Irene Scharmer
Chairman Tracy declared the public hearing on request for rezoning by Ruben
and Irene Scharmer open at 8:30 P.M. A number of persons were present and
voiced objection to the Sharmers' plan for opening a beauty shop on their
property. It is their plan to open the business in a building previously used
for their upholstery business and now vacant. Their home is also on the lot.
It was determined by Engineer Priebe that there is no objection on the basis
of floor space in ratio -to lot size. The nature of the objections centered
largely on available parking space.
Gordon Bublitz moved the rezoning be tabled until further study can be made.
Arnold Heil seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously.
A general discussion was held on the licensing and operation of beauty shops
in the City of Hutchinson andwhether or not such shops were being operated in
homes contrary to zoning ordinances and licensing. Adm. Asst. Mealey was
requested to gather such information as possible and determine how licenses
are issued, to be brought up at the next meeting.
PUBLICATION 1235 - Request for rezoning by Minni-Mods, Inc. (Peterson -Paulson)
Chairman Tracy declared the public hearing on request for rezoning by Mini -
Mods, Inc. open at 9:00 P.M. Adm. Asst. Mealey outlined the area involved on
the map with description of the location. Mr. Richard Peterson was asked to
give the details of his planned construction. He stated that a 60 unit apart-
ment was planned, three stories high on the lower side of the hill_ and two
stories on the high side, consisting of one, two and three bedroom apartments.
They are qualified under the 236 FHA program , John Korngeible is the architect.
They also have authority under 101 for low income people's housing. It will
cost about a million to construct and there are 3.6 acres of land. There will
be parking space in front and back.
Dave Jen -.:en moved the Planning Commission approve rezoning from R-1 to R-2 as
requested. Les Linder seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously.
Mrs. Deanovic was asked to read the minutes of the meeting of December 15 which
she did. Chairman Tracy called for additions or corrections, and there being
none he declared the minutes approved as read.
Planning Commission Minutes -3-
January 19, 1970
Administrative Assistant Mealey referred to the request for subdivision
by Mr. Korngeible, on behalf of River Hills Terrace. There was consider-
able discussion concerning jurisdiction over the area, possible annexation,
available water and sewer mains and drainage, the cul-de-sac streets
as indicated on the proposed sketch, park and recreation area, need for
a new lift station.
Les Linder made a motion that Administrative Assistant Mealey send the
following recommendations to the County Planning Commission: prior to
approval, stipulate street design meet City's minimum standards; streets
be graded to drain to the river to eliminate future storm sewer installation;
elimination of most of the cul-de-sacs; fee title to park and recreation
area be conveyed to McLeod County, City of Hutchinson, or Hassan Valley
Township; provision be made for annexation at such time as it becomes
appropriate. Dave Jensen seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously.
There being no further business before the Commission, Chairman Tracy
called for a motion to adjourn. Les Linder so moved, Arnold Heil seconded
the motion and the meeting was declared adjourned at 9:50 P.M.
E. Deanovic, Secretary