02-16-1970 PCM cA
FEBRUARY 16, 1970
Chairman Tracy galled the meeting to order at the hour of' 7:30 P.M.
Members prescrit: Mrs. Deanovic; Les Linder, Clint Tracy, Dr. Thompson,
A. Heil, T. Cone, Dave Jensen
Members absent: Gordon Bublitz
Also Present: Adm. Assistant Mealey, Building Official Schmeling
Chairman Tracy asked the Secretary to read the minutes of- January 19, 1970.
The minutes were read and approved.
The Plan of the Final Plat of Cedar Acres was pre-,ented. Dr. Thompson
moved that the plan be accepted by the Planning Commission subject to
payment of the parks and playgrounds contribution ($6,600) and referred
to the City Council for final acceptance. Les Linder seconded the motion
and it was carried unanimously.
• Petitions for annexation were presented from Thomas E. and Alyce Mealey,
Mini -Mods, Inc.* and Midwest Modules, Inc. Les Linder moved that Planning
Commission recommend annexation of Mealey Property. Motion seconded and carried.
Arnold Heil moved that pre -zoning hearing be recommended to City Council
for Mealey annexation on Marchi 16, L970 at 7:45 P.M.' Motion was seconded
and carried unanimously.
Mr. Don Dressel presented the proposed development of Midwest Modules, Inc.
consisting of approximately 66 acres South of the City and requested R-2
pre -zoning. After due consideration and discussion, Tom Cone moved the
Planning Commission recommend annexation and request the City Council set
pre -zoning hearing for 8:00 P.M., March 16, 1970. Dave Jensen seconded the
motion and it was carried unanimously.
Chairman Tracy recognized Mr. Schmeling who presented a proposal that he
be granted authority to approve sign permits rather than referring them
to the Planning Commission and City Council since these bodies refer all
usual requests back to him anyway. Mr. Schmeling presented two applications
for sign permits: Del Farm and Wigen Chevrolet. Les Linder moved these
two applications be approved, Dr. Thompson seconded the motion and it was
Dr. Thompson then moved that Planning Commission recommend that the
Building Inspector be authorized to approve sign applications meeting the
conditions of the ordinance and any requiring special handling be referred
to Planning Commission. Tom Cone seconded the motion and it was carried
Chairman Traev recognized Mr. John Korngeible who appeired on behalf of
Char -Bon Inc., developers of the proposed Riverview Ti.-,rrace subdivision.
Mr. Korngeible stated that he had gone to the Hassan Valley Town Board
for its zoning restrictions. They had agreed to the I)1,oposal. Mr.
Korngeible then read the attached letter from Schoell c\ Madson, Inc.,
members of Cham -Bon., in which they agree to meet the :,ity's requirements
except for the cul de sacs, which they wish to retain n the plan.
Adm. Asst. Mealey suggested that Mr. Korngeible work cIut the parkland
deed specifications with the City Attorney. In respons,! to Dr. Thompson's
question on how soon the developers want to proceed, Mr. Korngeible said
that the topographic map is ready now for the single family section, the
apartments will be later and indicated that they wish Lo proceed as soon
as possible. It was recommended that jurisdiction be given to the
Municipal Commission for annexation. There being no further action at
this time, Mr. Korngeible excused himself from the meet -Ing.
Chairman Tracy recognized Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Seharrner and their son.
Mr. Scharmer presented a sketch of his lot and building showing access
from the highway. It was determined that the property had been zoned
R-1 with non -conforming use for the former upholstry shop, but that
when the previous business was abandoned, the zoning reverted to R-1
residential. Discussion was held. The Seharmers left the meeting after
Chairman Tracy thanked them for their presentation and hated that the
Planning Commission would deliberate the matter.
The general question of neighborhood beauty shops was discussed. Dave
Jensen moved that the request be denied, Mrs. Deanovic seconded the motion
and it was carried unanimously.
Mrs. Jeanette Draegerts petition for rezoning was brought to a vote. Dave
Jensen moved that the request be denied, the motion was seconded and
carried unanimously.
Chairman Tracy reminded the members that the March 16th meeting would be
election of officers.
Further discussion was held on Riverview Terrace. It was determined that
Adm. Asst. Mealey would contact Midwest Planning for their recommendations
and contact County Commissioner Popp to defer action.
Les Linder moved the meeting be adjourned at the hour of 10:07. Mrs.
Deanovic seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously.
* It was moved and seconded that the annexation of Mini -Mods, Inc. be
approved and referred to the Council with recommendation that date be
set for pre -zoning (March 16, 1970, 8:45).
E. Deanovic