03-16-1970 PCM cHUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES March 16, 1970 Chairman Tracy called the meeting to order at the hour of 7:30 P.M. Members present: Mrs. Deanovic, Clint Tracy, Gordon 11LIblitz, Dr. Thompson, Dave Jensen, Arnold Heil, Les Linder Also present: Adm. Asst. Mealey, Engineer Priebe Members absent: Tom Cone Chairman Tracy asked the Secretary to read the minutes ()f February 16, 1970. The minutes were read and approved. Chairman Tracy pointed out that Dave Jensen's appointment to the Planning Commission expires on March 31 and asked for a motion recommending reap- pointment. Gordon Bublitz so moved, Arnold Heil seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. Chairman Tracy then declared nominations open for Chairman for the ensuing year, and declared that he would be unable to consider reelection. Gordon Bublitz stated that as vice-chairman he would be unable to move into the chairmanship, but placed in nomination Les Linder. The nomination was seconded by Arnie Heil who nominated Dave Jensen as Vice Chairman to succeed Les Linder. Dr. Thompson moved the nominations be closed. The motion was seconded. Dr. Thompson then moved that the record indicate a unanimous ballot and the motion was seconded and carried. Chairman Tracy declared nominations for Secretary open. Les Linder nominated Mrs. Deanovic, Arnie Heil seconded the nomination. Gordon Bublitz moved the nominations be closed and Chairman Tracy declared a unanimous vote for Mrs. Deanovic. Chairman Tracy then declared the hearing on Publication No. 1253 open at. the hour of 745 P.M. for the purpose of consideringrequest for prezonin g of R-1 prior •to annexation, Thomas E. and Alyce Mealey. Approximately 14 persons were present for the hearing. Mrs. Frank Johnson introduced herself as a property owner adjacent to the property in question and stated her objections to the annexation and "rezoning," and requested that the Planning Commission refuse and reject the request. Adm. Asst. Mealey stated that the question of annexation is not before the commission at this time. Mr. Eldor Dahlman, Chairman of the Acoma Town Board voiced his objections. After considerable discussion, Dr. Thompson moved the hearing be closed, Mrs. Deanovic seconded the motion and it was declared closed at 8:15 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES -2- March 16, 1970 At the hour of 8:15 Chairman Tracy declared the hearing open on Publication 1254 to consider the Prezoning of Midwest Module Property, 66 acres SW of City. Mr. Don Dressel presented detailed layouts of the area. Mr. Jim Paulson, Kenneth Born and others discussed the plans for the area. The Hearing was declared closed at the hour of 8:37 P.M. At the hour of 8:40 P.M. Chairman Tracy declared the hearing open on Publication No. 1255, Conquest property, for rezoning From R-1 to R-2. Mr. Conquest appeared to answer questions on his request and stated that he wanted to build a 12 unit building, 212- stories high, that there are six .lots involved, and that it was intended as a rent supplement housing unit for elderly. Darrell Summerfeld, Dwayne Anderson, Fred Pickal, Wesley Youngbloom, Brian Anderson, Art Barsness, Roy Matson, Melvin Anderson and Eldon Willard were present or represented to object to the rezoning. Considerable discussion was held. The hearing was closed at 8:50 P.M. At 8:55 P.M., Publication No. 1256, Notice of hearing on Prezoning of Minni-Mod Property Annexation was read by Chairman Tracy and the hearing declared open. There were no objections to the prezoning and Les Linder moved that the Planning Commission approve the R-2 zoning and recommend it to the City Council. Mrs. Deanovic seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. The hearing was declared closed. Chairman Tracy suggested that since there was a little time available before the next hearing, further discussion could be held at this time on the Conquest request. Engineer Priebe stated that the property does abut the highway and the area north of the proposed rezoning is adaptable to single family dwelling. Further discussion was held. Les Linder moved that the request be denied, Dr. Thompson seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. At 9:00 P.M. Chairman Tracy opened the hearing on Publication No. 1257, Notice of Hearing on Request for Rezoning of Draeger Property, from R-1 to B-1. Mr. and Mrs.'C. Draeger were present for the hearing, and stated that they want to retain a one chair beauty shop in their home. Some discussion was held and the hearing was declared closed at 9:19 P.M. At 9:20 P.M. Chairman Tracy declared hearing open on Publication No. 1258, Notice of Hearing, Preliminary Plat of Lorens Addition, submitted by L. A. Richards. The maps were examined by a number of persons who were present for the hearing among whom were Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Balke, Mr. Pearly Christensen, Mr. Keith Richards et al. After considerable discussion, Les Linder moved the Planning Commission recommend approval of the plat, according to Plan A, as revised. Gordon Bublitz seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. Chairman Tracy declared the hearing closed. Midwest Modules was brought up for discussion. A number of questions were asked as to just what the plans for construction on this property are. Kenneth Born stated that the plans were not yet firm, and indicated that it was planned to do some experimenting here. Considerable discussion was held. Gordon Bublitz moved that the project be tabled until Mr. Born presents a more concrete plan for development. Mrs. Deanovic seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. Pfi\NNING COMMISSION MINUTES -3- MARCH 16, 1970 Chairman Tracy introduced the subject of the Mealey property prezoning. After extended discussion, Gordon Bublitz moved that the subject be tabled until_ the next meeting. Mrs. Deanovic seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. The Draeger request for rezoning was brought up for decision. It was determined that allowing the request would not be in keeping with precedent recently established. Les Linder moved that the application be denied. Dr. Thompson seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. There being no further business at this time, the meeting was declared adjourned at 11:09 P.M. E. Deanovic, Secretary