04-20-1970 PCM cCITY OF HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 20, 1970 Chairman Linder opened the meeting at 7:30. Members present were Mrs. Deanovic, Clint Tracy, Les Linder, Dr. Thomp:;on. Also present were Adm. Asst. Meal_ey, Engineer Priebe. Chairman Linder called for motion to approve the minutes of March 16, 1970. Dr. Thompson so moved, seconded by Mrs. Deanovic and carried. Chairman Linder presented Mr.. J. Harold Beytein who was present on behalf' of the HRA. Mr. Beytein explained that it is required by law that the Planning commission approve the site of the old hospital selected by the HRA for senior citizen housing. After due consideration and discussion, Dr. Thumpson moved that the site be approved by the Planning Commission and further st,ited that it would be in the best interest of the long range plannin- for the City. Clint Tracy seconded the motion and it was carried. Adm. Asst. Mealey presented a request for rezoning received from Mr. Richard Maas for property in the NE section of the City. Clint Tracy moved that the request be referred to the City Council with recommendation for hearing on May 18, 1970 at 7:4, P.M. Mrs. Deanovic seconded the motion and it was carried unanimou-,ly. Engineer Priebe presented a request from McDonald Mobile Home Park for special land Use permit for a 30 unit addition to the existing mobile park and over-all layout approval. Dr. Thompson moved the request be approved and referred to the City Council. Clint Tracy seconded the motion and it was carried. The plan of the final plat for Sioux Second Addition was considered and postponed until later in the meeting. PUBLIC HEARING At 8:00 P.M. Chairman Linder declared hearing open and read publication no. 1264, Notice of Hearing, Preliminary Plat of Hanson's Third Addition. Approximately 11 persons were present. Mr. Kenneth Medol, District Engineer, State Department of Highways was introduced and endorsed Engineer Priebe's plan for extending Lynn Road South to the South Grade Road. Planning Commission -2- April 20, 1970 Considerable discussion was held on future plans for the property and the hearing was adjourned at 8:40 P.M. Chairman Linder recognized Mr. Kenneth Born, Midwest Modules, Inc., who introduced Mr. Dave Nelson From Midwest Planning and Research and stated that he had engaged this firm to assist in planning "Westview Acres," a multiple purpose site south of the City. Mr. Nelson stated that he planned approximately 48.2 acres in mobile home sites, 9.3 acres for apartments and 4.9 acres for townhouses and displayed layouts. The proposal was considered and discussed. Dr. Thompson moved that 200 mobile home sites be approved and recommended R-2 zoning, with the westerly -most portion of the land shown as "area 7" on the layout map recommended for R-1 zoning. Clint Tracy seconded the motion and Dr. Thompson, Les Linder and Clint Tracy voted "aye" and Mrs. Deanovic voted "nay." The motion was carried. After further discussion, Clint Tracy moved that Sioux Second Addition be approved for annexation and referred to the Council with recommenda- tion for hearing on May 18, 1970 at 8:15 P.M. Dr. Thompson seconded the motion and it was carried Dr. Thompson moved the plan of the final plat be approved and referred to the Council. Clint tracy seconded the motion and it was carried. Hanson's Third addition was brought under discussion. Dr. Thompson moved that the planning commission recommend approval of the extension of Lynn Road along the highway 1S right of way and all existing platting with 132 square feet to be annexed, consisting of approximately 10.8 acres. Clint Tracy seconded the motion and it was carried Dr. Thompson then moved that the name of the south grade road be retained. Clint Tracy seconded the motion and it was carried. Dr. Thompson announced that this would be his last meeting with the Planning Commission and that he would be submitting his resignation. He then moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded and the meeting was declared adjourned at 11:15 P.M. E. Deanovic, Secretary-/