MAY 18, 1970
Chairman Linder called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Present were
Marsh Tudor, Clint Tracy, Arnie Heil, David Jensen, and Chairman Linder.
Also present were Administrative Assistant Mealey and Engineer Priebe.
The Minutes of the meeting of April 20 were approved as submitted.
The matter of a system for naming streets was referred to the Planning
Commission by the City Council. Several broad systems were tossed in
as basic ideas and the commission was directed to ponder the idea for
fuller discussion of the matter at subsequent meetings.
The City Council had also directed the Planning Commission to take up
in a preliminary manner, the thought that some advance planning might
be necessary for library facilities. Some members of the Library Board
were in attendance and after brief discussion the matter was left to be
brought up at the convenience of the Library Board.
It was then reported that certain deficiencies in notice made it impos-
sible for the Commission to take up the matter of the rezoning request
of Arthur Prochnow, lots 11 and 12, Block 13, North half of City.
The City Clerk was instructed to correct the deficiencies and publish
notice of hearing and mail notice of hearing to property owners within
300 feet of the area in conformance to law and Ordinance 42459 for
hearing on a special meeting Monday, June 1, at 7:30 P.M.
At 8:00 P.M. Chairman Linder opened hearing on the request of Oswald
Olson for rezoning of his property in section 6, twp. 1169 29 W. from
"R-1" to "B-3: Several neighbors appeared in opposition to the request
and after discussion the hearing was closed at 8:28 P.M. Commissioner
Heil moved and Commissioner Jensen seconded, that"B-1" zone be recommen-
ded to the Council on this property. On being put to vote all present
voted "aye", "nays" there were none. Chairman Linder declared the mo-
tion passed.
Public hearing on the prezoning of Sioux 2nd addition was then opened.
Chairman Linder read the published notice and no persons appearing, the
hearing was declared closed. Commissioner Tracy moved *hd Commissioner
Jensen seconded, that Sioux 2nd addition be recommended to the City
Council as'$-2'zone. On being put to vote all present voted "4g",
"Nays" there were none. Chairman Linder then declared the motion passed.
The Commission then took up the final plat of Hanson's 3rd Addition and
moved approval to the Council.
Planning Commission - 2 - May 18, 1970
Reconsideration of the recommended'$ -3 "zoning for the lot of Norm Zachow's
near the Cemetary was moved by Commissioner Jensen. Clint Tracy Seconded
the recommendation and the commission decided to reconsider the recommen-
After discussion, Commissioner Jensen recommended that'$-P'classification
be recommended to the Council rather than the previous'$ -3 recommendation.
Second was �y Arnie Heil. Upon being put to vote, all present voted "Aye".
"Nays", there were none.
A request was then made that the Commission comment on the advisability
of a potential plan of the City Council and School Board jointly acquiring
property for park and euvironmental laboratory North of McDonald's mobile
home park. The decision of the commission was that the action would not
be in conflict with the plans of the City as so far developed and instead
would be complementary to the plans.
At 9:45 P.M. the commission adjourned.
Thomas E. Mealey, City Jerk
E. Deanovic, Secret ry