07-20-1970 PCM cMINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 20, 1970 Chairman Linder called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. Members present present were: L. Linder, M. Tudor, T. Cone, D. Jensen Members absent: G. Bublitz, E. Deanovic, A. Heil, C. Tracy. Also present were Adm. Asst. Mealey and Building Inspector Schmeling. There were no amendments or corrections to t,,e minutes of June 15 and 22, 1970. A request from the Seventh -day Adventist Church for approval of building an elementary school building in the southwest corner of the Maplewood Academy property. It was determined that the area under consideration would be at the end of the northerly extension of Water Street. It was further determined that since no City property was involved the request represents compliance with Ordinance but that approval is largely academic. Discussion of street access requirements was held. Marshall Tudor moved and Tom Cone seconded, that a recommendation be sent to the City Council that the request is not in conflict with any City plans and that the owners make provision to dedicate a 66• street right- of-way, along with property owners to the South. Motion carried. Lloyd Schmeling was present to request a variance for extension of storage space for Westside Grocery, 502 Harrington. Discussion of set -back requirements and specifications for variance as outlined in Ordinance 245 was held. Marshall Tudor moved that a recommenda- tion be sent to Council that this request be disapproved on the basis of non-compliance with provisions of Ordinance 245 and the definition of variance as described therein. Motion was seconded by Dave Jensen and carried unanimously. A request from the McLeod County Historical Society for a special sign permit was presented by Building Inspector Schmeling. The sign is to be located in the Southwest corner of Library Square and requires a special permit because it encroaches on the street right- of-way. After discussion and examination of maps of the proposed location, Tom Cone moved the permit be approved. Marshall Tudor seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. There being no further business before the Commission, Tom Cone moved the meeting be adjourned at 9:00. Dave Jensen seconded the motion and Chairman Linder declared the meeting adjourned. E. Deanovic, Se t y