08-17-1970 PCSR cMINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1970 Chairman Linder called the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M. Members present were Dave Jensen, Clint Tracy, and Les Linder. Members absent were Mrs. Deanovic, Gordon,Bublitz, Tom Cone, and Marsh Tudor, Also present were Administrative Assistant Mealey, City Engineer Priebe, Building Official Schmeling, Clint Tracy moved the minutes of July 20 be accepted as submitted, motion was seconded by Dave Jensen and carried by vote of all present. Appointment of representative from Planning Commission to Park and Recreation Board was discussed. Clint Tracy moved Marsh Tudor be appointed, second by Dave Jensen. All present voted in the affirmative and the motion was carried. Administrative Assistant Mealey presented a reminder of the Corps of Engineers and Conservation Department report on Flood Plains on August 24, 1970 at the regular Council Meeting. Mr. Greggory Woods, attorney representing Lloyd Schmeling dba Westside Grocery presented a request for variance to build a 15 foot extension at the rear of the building at the corner of 5th Avenue and Harrington. The extension requested would be underground with no above ground structure. Mr. Woods presented sketches of the proposed structure and there was considerable discussion concerning the application of the provisions of ordinance 245. On motion of Dave Jensen, seconded by Clint Tracy and carried by vote of a" members present, Administrative Assistant Mealey was directed to request an interpretation of ordinance 245 as applicable to Mr. Schmelingts request. At 8:00 P.M. Chairman Linder declared open public hearing on rezoning of the East k of Block 51, North half City and East k of Block 29, South half of City from R-1 to B-2, and read publication No. 1290. Approximately 14 property owners were present for the hearing. The residents of Block 29 presented no objection to the rezoning and so stated. The residents of Block 51 presented their objections. The hearing was declared adjourned by Chairman Linder at 8:25 P.M. On motion by Clint Tracy, second by Dave Jensen and carried, a special meeting of the Planning Commission was set for 7:30 P.M., September 2, 1970 so that a quorum might be present to determine a recommendation to the City Council. Chairman Linder recognized Mr. Don Rye of Midwest Planning and turned the meeting over to him. Mr. Rye presented an outline of the planning for updating the comprehensive plan for the City. He stated that Midwest is aiming at a December completion date for the basic plan and that he would bring additional material to the September 2 meeting. Planning Commission - 2 - August 17, 1970 Administrative Assistant Mealey stated that the scheduled hearing on rezoning of the Leonard Miller property had not been published and recommended that it be set for 8:00 P.M., September 2, 1970, Dave Jensen moved that this recommendation be accepted, Second by Clint Tracy and carried. There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was declared adjourned at 10:10 P.M. Re ectfully submitted, E, Deanovic, Secretary