09-02-1970 PCM cSPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES September 2, 1970 Chairman Linder called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Present were: Chairman Linder, David Jensen, Marshal Tudor and Clint Tracy. The first order of business was the continuation of the public hearing regarding the rezoning of the east half of -block 299 south half of City and the east half of block 51 north half of City. Residents of block 519 north half of City appeared to protest. Mr. Carly Hoeft appeared on behaif of the Chamber of Commerce parking committee ,to support the rezoning. At 7:58 P.M. the hearing was declared closed. After extensive discussion it was moved by Commissioner Jensen, seconded by Commissioner Tudor, to recommend the rezoning of the easthalf o€ block 29, south half of the City. Upon being put to the vote, all present voted aye. TThh motion was,then declared passed. Coir fciner Tud yr ---then mo - ._. .� ved that the commission recommend against rezoning the easc half of block 51, north half of City. Second was by Commissioner Tracy, Upon being put to vote all present voted aye. The motion was thereupon declared passed. Mr. Don Semple hen appeared with consulting architects to present preliminary design plans for the proposed shopping center north of the hospital. After discussion with Mr. Sempple, Commissioner Tudor moved approval of the aTeliminary plan and recommended approval to the Council. Commissioner Traf.y seconded the motion and upon being put to vote all present voted aye:. The motion was then declared passed. At 8:00 P.M. pub=ic hearing was opened to discuss the application of Mr. Leonard Miller to rezone properties in blocks 19, 41 and 429 south half of City, from R-1 to 1-1. At this point Chairman Linder had to leave. Mro,and Mrs, Vern Anderson appeared to clarify questions they had regarding the action and seemed satisfied with the responses from the City Engineer. There beiag no other person wishing to comment on the proposed rezoning, the hearing teas adjourned,to the September 21st regular meeting of the commission. There being,no further business to come before the commission the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 P.M. E. Deanovic, Secret&W