09-21-1970 PCM cMINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 212 1970 Chairman Linder called the meeting to order at the hour of 7:30 P.M. Meeting was held in the Library due to an expected power outage at the City Hall. Linders Marsh Members present were Membersnes absenteweresen 'GordonsBublitz, Clint Tracy. and Mrs. Deanovic. Also present was Administrative Assistant Mealey. Attorney Greggory Woods, representing Lloyd Schmeling dba Westside Grocery, requested Planning Commission's decision on Mr. Schmeling's request for variance to extend his basement storage area. Considerable discussion was held centering around whether the ordinance could be applied to underground structures as well as above ground and the justification for the variance as applied to the restrictions of the ordinance. Finally, Mrs. Deanovic moved and Marsh Tudor seconded the motion that the variance be approved and this recommendation be forwarded to the City Council with the conditions that stipulation be made that no superstructure will be considered, a railing be constructed around the concrete deck on top of the addition, and that steps be taken o remove the tree on the on was corner which has been considered a traff c hazard. At 8:15 P.M. Chairman Linder called to order Public Hearing on pre -zoning of the Ted Hanson property prior to annexation. Owner requested zoning of B-3. No one being present for the hearing either pro or con, Mrs. Deanovic moved that the B-3 zoning be recom- mended to the Council. Tom Cone seconded the motion and it was carried. Chairman Linder declared the hearing adjourned. Chairman Linder then reconvened the hearing to rezone the Leonard Miller property South of Second Avenue and East of the Crow River. This hearing had been tabled at the meeting of September 2 and could not be acted upon for lack of a quorum. After due consideration, Dave Jensen moved that the Planting Commission recommend that the Council approve rezoning of the subject property from R-1 to Industrial District, Tom Cone seconded the motion and it was carried whereupon Chairman Linder declared the beating adjourned, Mr. W. A. Helland, representing "Golf View Estates" in conjunction with Ried Realty presented a preliminary Plat of the 20 acres of the Tews farm Northwest of the City, adjacent to the Crow River Country Club, and asked for recommendations. Discussion of the possibilities of developing this land was held, and the Commission recommended that the developer first arrange annexation to the Citys so that Hutchinson Planning Commission Minutes September 21, 1970 Water and sanitary sewer facilities are available by the time con- struction is begun. Mr. Helland thanked the Commission for their consideration and recommendations, and stated that he would endeavour to comply with the suggestions, and would plan with a view to acquiring City services. Tom Mealey presented a request from the Council to consider a plan for street names for the City. Extensive discussion was held on this subject at the end of which time the following recommendations were established: That new streets be named in the following system, except as existing streets are extended: 1. Except as existing streets are extended, all new North-South streets in the Northeast quadrant of the City, East of Highway 14 and North of Highway 7, be named, alphabetically for trees, shrubs and flowers. 2. In the Northwest quadrant of the City, North of Highway 7 and West of Highway 15, new North-South streets to be named for States of the Union, alphabetically. 3. In the Southwest area, South of Second Avenue and West of Dale, names of notable Americans, alphabetically. 4. In the Southwest area between Dale and Highway 15, South of Second Avenue, names of large Cities, alphabetically. 5. In the Southeast area, between Highway 15 and Adams, Presidents of the United States. 6. In the Southeast area, South of Highway 7, East of Adams (highway 22), named for lakes and streams, alphabetically. 7. All new East West streets be numbered as nearly as possible to conform to existing numbering system. Mrs. Deanovic moved and Marsh Tudor seconded the motion, that this plan be recommended for approval to the Council, The motion was carried unanimously. A discussion oV membership ori the Planning Commission was held in connection with meeting attendance. After due deliberation, Marshall Tudor moved that the Planning Commission adopt a policy of mandatory 75% attendance. If a member is absent at more than 25Z of meetings, a letter shall be sent to that member requesting whether he wishes to maintain membership. Dave Jensen seconded the motion and upon vote being taken, all members present voted in the affirmative and the motion was declared passed. - 2 - Planning Commission Minutes September 21, 1970 Administrative Assistant Mealey announced that Robert Stearns would be the new representative to the Planning Commission from the School Board. There being no further business before the Commission, Chairman Linder called for a motion to adjourn. Dave Jensen so moved, Tom Cone seconded the motion and the meeting was declared adjourned at approximately 11:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, -07 Q"4r'O�l E. Deanovic, Secretary - 3 -