10-19-1970 PCM cXONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1970 L$nder called the melting to order at 7:30 P.M. Members pros t: anovia, Linder, Tracy, Cone, Stearns, Jensen Tudor. Membe s ab out; Bublits. Also present: Adm. Asst. Mealey, Engineer Prleb . , -Chairman Linder declared open public hearing on the zoning of the Steffenson-Lund property and read Publication No. 1313, Notice of Hearing, Mr. Don Dressel, and Mr, Orville Lund were present. Mr. Dress*presented a map of the area proposed to be annexed and requested that B-3, General Businesa-District zoning be designated. Mrs. Deanovie asked why B-3 zoning had been requested. Mr, Dressel stated that he believes that the zoning ordinance is not sufficiently explicit, in the zoning designations and volunteered to do some research on zoning designations used elsewhere. Further discussion was held on the subject of zoning in general and the property in question in particular. Mrs. Deanovic moved that the property be designated B-1, neighborhood business. C11nt.Tracy seconded the motion and upon vote being taken all members present voted affirmatively and Chairman Linder declared the motion te'recommend B-1 zoning to the Council carried, Chairman Linder then announced that Gordon Bublitz had submitted his resignation to the planning.Commission stating that his business makes it impossible to attend meetings regularly. Motion was made and seconded to accept the resignation with regret, and was carried. At 7:45 P.M* Chairman Linder declared open public hearing on the 1pygposed preliminary plat of Rolling Oaks Second Addition presented by John Miller, and read publication No. 1314, notice of hearing. L. D. Mills, representing Crow River Country Club was present for the hearing as well as Mr. Miller, Engineer Priebe pointed out the Proposed land use on the map prepared for the purpose. Mr. Mills questioned where the proposed street extension would out through the Country Club property. Further discussion was held on the land use in and adjoining the property. The street name was discussed in accordance with the new street naming plan for the city. AMR-. moved that the Planning Comsiission recommend to the City Council that the plat be approved as followss Lots six through eleven in Block 1, all of Block 2; and that the street name be change* from Emerson to California in accordance with the street naming plan, and all of Block 3, Clint Tracy seconded the motion and upon vote being taken all members present voted affirmatively and the motion was carried. Planning Commission -20V October 19, 1970 Chairman Linder called for a motion to approve the minutes of September 21, Mrs. Deanovic stated that she had not made a motion to include any action on the tree at the corner of 4th and Harrington and asked that the statement be stricken from the minutes, Mrs. Deanovic then moved that the minutes be approved as amended, M, Tudor seconded and the minutes were declared approved as amended, Robert Stearns, newly appointed representative from the School Board asked for clarification of his status as a voting member of the 09* - mission. Some discussion was held on the subject after which D. Jensen moved that a recommendation be made to the City Council to amend the ordinance to make the School Board Representative a voting member of the Planning Commission, M. Tudor seconded the motion and it was carried. Mr. Larry Senour and Mr. Jim Meaghy presented guidelines for flood control ordinance review with slide films and narrative, outlining standards and criteria. Mr, Don Rye, Midwest Planning presented copies of suggested goals and policies for planAing for the City. He stated that he would need a statement from the Planning Commission on a line of action, and recommended that the Commission study the report and recommend modifications as applicable. General discussion was held and Mr. Rye stated that he would return to try to finalize this plan so that he would know better how to assist in planning. He presented a colorful land use sketch plan and recommended that the members consider ideas for adding to or deleting from it. There being no further business, Chairman Linder declared the meeting adjourned at 10:2$ P.M, E. Deanovic, Secretary