12-21-1970 PCM ct 4V i �f • .4 MEN Chaff U .qpXlad:the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.- Members present wereM. «', : ;it. Stearns; L. Linder; T. Come; L. Deanovie. Members . fit,°.;SCS► ` . ,. , present: AdoWstrative Assistant Mealey, Engineer Pri+ ber Mayor,- host, D, Rye from Midwest Planning. Minutes -of t1w Rgp1AW meeting of Wovember 16, 1970 were approved on motion by D. Jensen- and .,secmnded by M. Tudor. Mr. Don Dreaisal r+sprssaating' Gwendoa, Iiie, presented a , revised request for, a special 'romp part -to bond office -apartment building at the., amor pf. Tldxd and Massae Streets. The proposed building would be two and Slam, stow3ep, with the ground level devoted to office space, as folIWoz `mai' efficioncy apartments; six one bedroom apartments; six two bedroom °agate ts; five officas; one conference room; a coffee or lunch room. Dimensions of the building to be Of 2" x 106. 8". 28 parking spaces. After review of 'the plans apd'photographs, M. Tudor moved that the permit be forwarded to the Copan with a recamaanda#ion for approval with the provision that the: pevtit will re revoked if is not begun within p:e year from date of Ise -and in.,that° event the property would revert to H•3 zoning. Dave Jespea seconded the motion and it was carried by affirmative vote of all members present. Chairman Under recognized Bill Holland, developer of Golf View Acres who reported our bis- meetings with tomehip and county Hoards. The feeling seeaps to be that he caaa�c►t proceed with development as planned unless there is s ''me form of cooperation agreement with the City first. In the event of owexattion he finds the service costs, prohibitive. No resolution of the dilcbma was reached apart from the general concensus that annexation is the logical step. Mr. Helland stated that he wound meet with the City Council and return to the January meati ig. Mayor Kant appeared before the Planning Commission to report on -the pertinent proceedings`&t.the Mayor's Convention lin Atlanta. He opened his remarks by stat ing that he hes recently received information- that anipnt buildihkg near donne town is pla w., to close some apartments in ostler to tura them into offices:, He further stated that he is informed. that there approximately twenty people now in Burns Manor who want to move dawn tam. The P]."J Commission portion -of -the Atlanta meeting emphasized the desirabLIA-L Of moving -auk . eoamissfeehs out of the zoning field and ' into 5 year planning assessing the facilitiesof the -community and establishing priorities. Great emphasis was placed -on gearing plans to the needs of the people nether than looking to Federal Grant programs. Gear plans to practical thinking and plan for the objectives that are within the range of possibility such as traffic, housing, bridge, silting effect on the recreation areas on the dam and river. The Mayor further stated that he hopw that before budget time In 1971 that the Cera: sslm would look closely at the , eomm pity and see what projects appear to be.most important ! Planning Commission Regulat Meeting 2 - December 21, 1970 Mr, John IGcrCIS eible presented additional sasQle pians of townhouse develop• . ments for information and review.. The general subject of townhouses was discussed at sane length. A letter from Narria$toa Lanai and Development Ccnapany was reviewed in which a letter Of intent ,to zone the portion of Stoney Point in question for tses Won annexation, . was requested. Mrs. Deanovic moved that the request be approved, Dave Jensen seconded the -motion a nd it was carried. Don Rye fr" Midwest Planning introduced Larry Jung who presented a amity Facilitiea,Analysis, It wasreviewedbriefly and generally agreed that scare time woald' be req""d for, etudy. i The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M. Respectfully su1mlitted 9 r lz"'V-O�z E.DODeMOV a,�3ec�retU7