01-18-1971 PCM cREGULAR�MMTING - HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 18, 1971 The meeting "a coiled to order at 7:35 by D. Jensen, Vice -Chairman. Members present.; T. Cone, L. Deanovic, C. Tracy, R. Stearns,. D. Jensen, M� Tudor*, Mwbfts absent: L. hinder. Also present: Administrative Assistant Mealey,'Engineer Priebe. Mr. John Miller was present to present a request for three month�4postpoan menton the plat for Roiling Oaks Second addition, After considerable discussion, Clint Tracy moved that the'"g_Caamission recommend to the Council that the request be granted. E. Deanovie Seconded the motion and it was carried. Further diseus"on was held on the parks and p1pygrounds contribution for Rolling Oaks. It vas generally agreed that the value of the land would be reviewed and discussed at the next meeting. Mr. Don Dressel was present representing Gwendon, Inc. to request that the special use permit granted for construction of an apartment/office building at 3rd and Hassan be amended to permit the construction of office space, meeting room or conference room and coffee/lunch room to be constructed on the nest side of the building on all three levels rather than all on one level. Engineer Priebe explained that in consultation with the Building Official, it had been determined that this plan would better provide necessary fire wails and eliminate sound problems by having no access whatever between the vertical halves of the building. It was recommended that the wording be revised to include the floor area of the building to be approximately 53* x 106* and be limited to two and a half stories, not to exceed 35' above grade unless approved sprinkling systems are provided within each story exceeding maximum height. M. Tudor moved that the Planning Commission recam and approval to the Council to allow the modification in accordance with the recommendations of the Building Official and Engineer in their letter of January 18, 1971. Co Tracy seconded the motion and it was carried. Engineer Priebe then presented a proposed 20 -year street project for consideration with color coded -maps and explained that the plan involves. --a two stage operation - underground with water and sewer one year followed by street the next year. Discussion and suggestions were forthcoming and it was recommended by general consent that Engineer Priebe would re -draw the plan to abbreviate it to about -l0 years and include the sewer and water plan. Mr. Larry Jung of Midwest Planning was present to review the land use plan presented to the Conmission last month. After some discussion and presentatio; of a color coded map it was decided by general agreement that further study would be necessary on the goals and policies and a special meeting was established for January 20, 1971 at 11:30 a.m. at the Citizen's Bank building. There being no further business, the meetbW was declared adjourned at 10:40 )