02-15-1971 PCM cr
FEBRUARY 15, 1971
Meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Linder. Members
present were Linder, Cone, Tracy, Stearns, Jensen and Tudor. Also present
were Administrative Assistant Mealey, Engineer Priebe. Members absent:
L. Deanovic.
The minutes of the meeting of January 18, 1971 were approved on motion by
Tom Cone, second by Clint Tracy and carried.
A request for variance from the minimun lot size for construction of a home
on lots 5 and 6, block 15 of Bonn_iwell's second addition submitted by 7 East
Realty on behalf of Leonard and Hilda Gruett and Minnie and Clara Schultze
was considered. Tom Cone moved that the Commission recommend that the council
approve the request. Motion seconded by D. Jensen and carried.
A discussion of Golf View subdivision ensued revolving around county vs City
jurisdiction for approval of the plan. Since the matter had been taken up
with the County Board and approved by that body, the question now arises as
to the long range effect in proximity to the City concerning annexation and
availability of services and desirability of the general layout as it affects
future planning. It was generally agreed that some misunderstanding must have
occurred as the minutes indicate th.it the promoter had agreed at the December
21 meeting of the City Planning Commission to further discuss the matter with
the Council and City officials and return to the January meeting, which he
did not do. After considerable discussion, Marsh Tudor moved that the
Administrative Assistant write a letter to the County Board and Planning
Commission asking that the approval of the plat be reconsidered. Clint
Tracy seconded the motion and it way- carried.
At 8:00 P.M. Chairman Linder declared public hearing open and read publication
No. 1332, Notice of Hearing for Rezoning of John Keefe property from R-1 to
B-3. John Keefe and one other per -ion were present for the hearing. It was
determined that the property in question is lot 10, block 32 South Half of
City, at the corner of Franklin and Third on the SE corner. A house now
standing there is to be razed and Mr. Keefe stated that his current plan for
the property is for parking. Some discussion was held and Chairman Linder
asked whether anyone present wished to be heard concerning the rezoning. No
one came forth and Tom Cone moved that the Commission recommend that the
request be recommended to the Council for approval. Clint Tracy seconded the
motion and it was carried.
Engineer Priebe presented a proposed schedule of park and playgrounds
contributions which was discussed and returned for amendments to be presented
in final form as soon as it is finished.
Engineer Priebe presented a proposed 10 -year improvement program which was
considered and reviewed. The project includes streets, water, sewer and
storm sewer. Clint Tracy moved that the Planning Commission recommend that
the Council adopt the proposed improvement program dated January 21, 1971
and further that the first five year increment be released for publication
upon approval by Council. Marsh Tudor -,eeonded the motion and it was carried.
There being no further business before the Commission at this time, a
special meeting was set forll:30 A.M., Wednesday, February 17, 1971 at the
Citizen's Bank to consider Goals and Policies, Land Use and Community Facilities
plans and the meeting was declared ad.j()urned at 9:30 P.M. on motion by
Dave Jensen, second by Marsh Tudor.