03-15-1971 PCM cMn m HOTCHiNSON PLANNING C 1MISSION Monday March 15, 1971 Chairman Liadit called the meeting to order at 7%30 P.M. Present were Chairmen Linder, Mrs. Deanovic, Jack Kiland, Clint Tracy, Tom.Cone, Marshall Tudor and David Jensen. Mr. Tracy moved approval of the minutes of February 15th as submitted. Mr. Tudor seconded and ail present voted aye. Engineer Priebe presented a rough preliminary design for ultimate extension of streets to unplatted areas outside the City to the Nortbwest. After extensive discussion the layout was approved in principle and the Engineer was asked to continua preliminary street guide plans all around the City. (Proposed) Revisions to the proposed schedule for subdividers' contribution to park development was then taken up. Much discussion ensued on the fact that the proposed schedule didn't take into account differing values of land subdivided. Comprissioner Cone proposed that a classification system be established and pro- pe:rtie f be graded as to rough value and assigned a c lass if ica tion at time of subdivision which would correspond to the nearest established class schedule. The schedules for each class would vary directly with the value of the properties. No determination was reached and at 8:00 P.M. the discussion was concluded to open the advertised public hearing on the pre -coning of land included in the Thanes E. Mosley petition for annexation. Chairman Linder called the hearing to order at 8:00 P.M. and read the published call for public hearing. All the members of the Acoma Township Board of Super- visors, most of the residents and property owners near os adjacent to the petitioned property and the County Attorney and County Commissioner Cliff Popp and 400� appealed to voice opposition to the annexation. The Planning Commission agreed that this annexation would not be in the best Interests of the City of Hutchinson. That recommendation was made and petitioner was asked to withdraw his petition. Petitioner agreed and the hearing was closed at 8W P.M. A letter from the Elks lodge requesting a special use permit for their operation in downtown Hutchinson was read. Tow Cdne moved that the permit be zecosmended. Jack Kiland seconded and all present voted aye. Administrative. Assistant Mealey was directed to secure several zoning ordinances of recent vintage from other Municipalities in Minnesota and present them to the Planning Commission for consideration for adoption in whole or in part as amendments to ordinance #245, Zoning Ordinance for the City of Hutchinson. Mi=tes of PlaningCommission -2- March 159 1971 The searstavy was -Airacted to send .out etas of the final rarision of the suggest Yoals and'poitcles statement for consideration for adoption and recoamendation to.,tba Council at the next reguUr Plaming.Coemtssioa Meting - There being no furtbes business to come before the Commission they adjourned at WO P.K. t