APRIL 19, 1971
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Linder.
Members present were: To Cone, C. Tracy, J. Kiland, D. Jensen, L
DeauOvic, M. Tudor. Absent: R. Stearns. Also present: Engineer Priebe
and Administrative Assistant Mealey.
The minutes of the meeting of March 15, 1971 were approved as submitted
on motion by-?. Cone, second by C. Tracy.
John Jorgenson, &*chinsou Realty, posed a question on zoning of the
property. on Highway 7 adjacent to Campbell Lake for use of the cabinet
shop currently in, -use there and inquired whether it would be possible to
sell the property -for commercial purposes. The commission informed him
that he would have to submit a -concrete request and the question would be
considered according to the type of business proposed.
Leroy Posusta appeared with a drawing of his #arage and requested a variance
for adding approximately five feet to make it a double -,garage. After
consideration of the special circumstances ; -oir oved,_that `the;variance
be granted. Second by C. Tracy and carried, The secretary was instructed
to forward the reeoomendation to the City Council.
The preliminary plat of McDonald*s Second Addition was reviewed and discusser=
infoaamationally prior to submission to the Council. No conclusions were
reached pending hearing to be set by Council.
John Miller*s Rolling Oaks Park and Playground contribution was discussed.
The conelus of the Commission was that deviation from the established
contribution, i.e.: $50.00 per lot for 15 lots for a total of $750.00 as
set forth in the minutes of November 16, 1970 would not be in the best
interest of the City.
The Engineer's proposed schedule for Park and Playground contributions
was reviewed. M. Tudor moved that the schedule be adopted as presented
with•a leeway of plus or minus 10%, to be referred to as Schedule A
equalling plus 10%, Schedule B as ib, and Schedule C minus 10%. T. Cone
seconded the motion and it was carried by unanimous vote of all members
and the secretary was in*trueted to forward the recommendation to the
City Council.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 P.M. on motion by D. Jensen, Second by
T. Cone.