05-04-1971 PCM cMinutes
Tuesday, May 49 1971
G'�ta.smen Linder- called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. $resent were Chair -
am. 1.4 vs, Ai Com, ° Clint Tracy, David, Jensen, Marshal Tudor, Jack Kiland.
Ikbsent. wttis S `' Da avis. Also present were Administrative 'Assistant and
Cf ty Ragiteer. .
V4. ,Ives Rwt'<<Zba == of the parking committee of the Cha ber of Codmerce
apppa ad,to`P"Pat a ""at; to fund consultant services to explain a pre-
ov ►'prem a asment foumla for off street parking. Mr. We Fowler,
t+ber maagr.,'also appeared in support of the request for funds as did
Wr. Carl ftp.
Aft T a long dipCnssiea of the proposal the concensus of the commdssion vas
Wised in .t* following siption by Commissioner Jensen: "The planning
coartfasfent bas . so: =aloe to fund - consultant services for this type of Win -
IUM Md%43,V1eaatLCU.." MOUCn- wms' seconded by Commissioner Tracy and upon
bisiu& pOt to tree :all members present ,voted aye. The motion was then declared
Tbere being na,further business to come before the commission the meeting
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