07-17-1971 PCM cMINUTES OF I'HE REGULAR MEETIN1:3 HU^1CHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 17, 1371 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Linder. Members present: J. Kiland, W. Vorpahl, L. Linder, C. Tracy, M. Tudor, D. Jensen. Members absent: T. Cone. Also present: Administrative Assistant Mea -ley, Engineer Priebe, R. Stearns. Richard Larson was present to present a request for permission to move the house immediately to the North of the Go Center on Franklin Street to Lot 7 plus the West 12 feet of Lot 8, Block 4, N Half City, on Prospect strHEt. He presented a petition signed by the proposed neighbors stating they have no ob-ection to the move (19 signatures). At the same time a request was received from Richwalks, Inc. to construct a parkinY lot on the GO center premises due to the need for additional off-street parking in that area. It was determined that the GO Center property was appropriately zoned in 1967 (R-1) and that parking facilities had been planned at that time but the plan was never executed. Building Inspector Schmeling presented the stipulation: on the house move that it be provided with new storm windows, screens, storm doors, approved lap siding and replacement of the roof and with these stipulations recommended that the move is appropriate and feasible. After due deliberation and consideration, C. Tracy moved that the house move be recommended for approval to the Council. M. Tudor seconded the motion and it was carried by affirmative vote of all present. W. Vorpahl moved that the installation of the blacktop parking lot be recommended to the Council for approval* M. Tudor seconded the motion and $ was carried. A request was received from Mr. W. G. Unglaub for a permit to move the house adjacent to the Shell Station on Highway 7 West to a lot described as the Northerly 66 feet of Southerly 132 feet, Lot 1, Block 5, N 3z City, on Prospect Avenue. He further requested apermit to install an automatic car wash in conjunction with the filling station on the property vacated by the house. Building Inspector Schmeling recommended that the house move be approved with the stipulation that it be provided with new storm windows, storm doors, screens, approved lap siding and roof, and that the deteriorated cornices be replaced and painted. He further recommended that a written agreement be required stating that all exposed work on the house be completed within 45 working days after the house is in place at the proposed site. At the close of discussion, C. Tracy moved that the house move as recommended by Inspector Schmeling be approved. M. Tudor seconded the motion and it was carried by unanimous vote of all present. * with the provision that the work be completed by November 1, 1971. Planning Commission Regular meeting - 2 - July 19, 1971 J. Kiland moved that the car wash operation be recommended for approval to the Council. C. Tracy seconded the motion and it was carried. A proposal was received from Hutchinson Cold Storage, Inc. to remodel the office area on the second floor of their building for use as a dormitory for students of the Vocational School. Inspector Schmeling and E. Daggett presented a layout of the building with the proposed partitions and floor plan. Inspector Schmeling recommended that the plan be approved from a structural point of view and stated that the plan meets the requirements of the building code. After brief discussion, W. Vorpahl moved that the plan be recommended for approval b the City Council. M. Tudor seconded the motion and it was carried. At 7:45 P.M. Chairman Linder called to order public hearing to rezone the Dobratz Chapel property from R-1 to R-2, as advertised in Publication No. 1264. There were no residents of the neighborhood present and a brief discussion was held on the subject. The concensus was that it should have been rezoned a long time ago and that the neighborhood is suitable for such rezoning. Chairman Linder declared the hearing closed at 7:58 P.M. D. Jensen moved that the rezoning to R-2 be recommended for approval to the Council, and that Mr. Dobratz be informed that it would be necessary to request a permit for a variance before making any additions to the property. W. Vorpahl seconded the motion and it was carried. Gayle Wick's request for a variance to extend his garage, having been referred back from the Council, was again considered and discussed. M. Tudor moved that the request be denied and pointed out that there are large number of single car garages in the community and that granting variance for this one would set a precedent which would conceivably present an unmanageable situation. D. Jensen seconded the motion and it was carried. John Jorgenson presented a request to sell the cabinet shop located on Highway 7 W at the South shore of Campbell Lake for use in the same capacity. It was determined that this constitutes a continuation of non-conforming use and is in accordance with the provisions of the zoning ordinance. D. Jensen moved that approval be recommended to the Council. M. Tudor seconded the motion and it was carried. Discussion was held concerning the warehouse type buildings on the SE corner of Linden and Merrill. It was noted that this property is for sale and the concensus was that the.-mature of the neighborhood is decidedly R-1 and that any agent selling the property should be informed that the property must be maintained as R-1 and that the present buildings must be torn down. Administrative Assistant Mealey presented Dave Slipy, project director for the Micro Cities Project for the City of Hutchinson. Mr. Slipy then presented the background and the program as it is planned. There being no further business before the Planning Commission at this time, the meeting was declared adjourned at 8:57 P.M.