08-16-1971 PCM cMINUTES
AUGUST 16, 1971
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Linder.
Members present: J. Kiland, W. Vorpahl, L. Linder, C. Tracy, D. Jensen,
T. Cone. Absent: M. Tudor, R. Stearns
Also present: Administrative Assistant Mealey. Absent: Engineer Priebe
General discussion was conducted until the time for the hearing while waiting
to see whether the representative from Midwest Planning would be present.
At 8:00 P.M. Chairman Linder called to order public hearing, as advertised
in publication No. 1370, to determine zoning of the property of Myron and
Viola Ziemer prior to annexation.
There was no one present for the hearing. The commission, having determined
that the property is in a residential district adjacent to the City. T. Cone
moved that R-1 zoning be recommended. D. Jensen seconded the motion and it
was carried.
There being no further business before the Commission at this time, the motion
was made and seconded to adjourn. Motion was carried and meeting declared
adjourned at 8:06 P. M.