10-18-1971 PCM cMINUTES: REGULAR MEETING HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION, OCTOBER 18, 1971 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Linder. Members present were J. Kiland, M. Tudor, W. Vorpahl, D. Jensen, T. Cone, C. Tracy, R. Stearns. Also present were Mayor Kost, Aldermen Black, Alrick, Administrative Assistant Mealey, Dr. Ed Henry, Dr. L. K. Kliensasser, Shirley Hjort, Dave S1ipy all of Micro Cities Project, St. John's University. Chairman Linder announced that the purpose of the meeting was to review and evaluate the preliminary portion of the Micro Cities project and turned the meeting over to Dr. Henry. Copies of the results of the interview portion of the program among 45 "influentials" of the community were distributed and discussed. A second form tabulating and graphing the results was also distributed and discussed, in detail. Dave Slipy initiated discussion on how best to approach the usefulness of the program and in what way the program can be of assistance to the communi- ty. He emphasized that it is not the desire or intent of the project members to direct or promote activity, but rather to assist in implementing plans and projects our people would like to accomplish. It was determined that the best way to work with the Planning Commission would be with a sub -group of the group with any major in -put to be brought before the entire group for approval or discussion. Shirley Hjort was appointed Micro Cities Contact to work with liaison from the Planning Commission who was determined to be Administrative Assistant Mealey. It was further determined through discussion, that the major project would be long range planning and that the Micro Cities contact would assist by locating and bringing in appropriate expert assistance in this area. Miss Hjort stated that she would be glad to bring the comparisons with the other two communities they are working with at the next Planning Commission meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 P.M.