12-20-1971 PCM cMINUTES
Chairman Linder called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Members
present were: W. Vorpahl, M. Tudor, L. Linder. T. Cone, C. Tracy,
J. Kiland, D. Jensen.. Members absent: . R. Stearns.
The minutes of the regular meeting of November 15, 1971 were approved
as submitted on motion by C. Tracy, second by M. Tudor.
Chairman Linder introduced a request for variance from 7 East Realty
referred by the City Council, on behalf of Virgil and Anna Krsiean.
The request was toereate an additional building lot on Block 11,
lot 9, the South 132 feet except the easterly 25 feet thereof in the
Townsite of Hutchinson, North Half. The matter was duly considered
and discussed but no consensus was reached. W. Vorpahl moved that the
matter be tabled to the next meeting for further study. C. Tracy
seconded the motion. W. Vorphal, C. Tracy, and L. Linder voted "aye.;
and T. Cone and M. Tudor ah&& Ailand abstained.. The motion was
declared carried.
Mayor Kost was.recognized by Chairman Linder and presented his plan to
request a special use permit for construction of an apartment building
at the corner of Third and Hassan on the same site where a special use
permit was previously granted to Don.Dressel for a combined office and
apartment building. Mayor Kost stated that this is not in the nature
of a formal request, but that he has been approached by interested
builders and would like a preliminary opinion from the Planning
Coomission in order that he might plan more definitely for use of the
property. The consensus was that there would be no objection at such
time as a formal request is presented.
Chairman Linder turned the meeting over to representatives from the
Micro Cities Project, Shirley Hjort, Dave Slipey and Donnard Kunesh;
who came in the capacity of legal advisor. Miss Hjort asked that the
Task rorces present their findings on the studies they have been doing
as agreed upon at an informal meting.
M, Tudor reported that he, D. Jensen and J. Kiland have been reviewing
the comprehensive plan as submitted by Midwest Planning, specifically
the Land Use plan. He staffed that after considerable study, the follow-
ing points have been extracted and agreed upon by the committee:
1. Encourage annexation and close working relationship with the four
townships surrouncdng Hutchinson regarding construction approval and
2. Residential of low and medium densit} shall be to the southwest and
north of Hutchinson.
Planning Convaission
Regular Meeting - 2 - December 20, 1970
3, Construct a Civic Center in the retail and .commercial area of the
Central Business District to house City of Hutchinson Administrative
offices, including the Utilities Commission, Water Department, Motor -
Vehicle Registration, Pollee Department, Liquor Store and Fire Depart-
ment, together with amtle parking facilities for all offices.
4. The Central Business District shall be preserved; outlying shopping
centers will not be encouraged.
5. Limited commercial business should surround the central business
district and act as a buffer between high density, residential and
eentral'business district.
6. The Indurstial Area shall be in East Hutchinson and bounded by
approximately Highway 22, Erie Street and the Chicago -Northwestern
7. Highway 7 East and Highway 7 West shall accommodate only "light"
industrial activity.
T. Cone then reported that the findings of the task force on a proposed
transportation plan had agreed in total with the recommendations of the
proposed comprehensive plan as submitted and found that the major
routings throughout the City would largely conform to the planning
of the Highway Department for Highways 7, 15, and 22.
Lively and extensive discussion ensued in which methods of implementing
the land use plan were explored and disagreement on the transportation
plan was voicedi and discussed. Mr. Kunesh pointed out the legal
ramifications of confirming a comprehensive plan by pointing out examples
of other communities whose Planning decisions were not upheld in court
for lack of a comprehensive plan. Specifically, the zoning ordinance :b
based on such a plan. He further pointed out the wisdom of coordinating
pians with the school district .
Miss Hjort asked the Commission in what way the Micro Cities project
might be of further assistance. After some deliberation, Chairman Linder
polled the members and reported that assistance in the transportation
and thoroughfares planning would be welcomed.
A discussion on height restrictions of buildings was held. It was
determined to consult with the City Attorney for his advice on removal
of current restrictions.
There being no further business before the Commission the meeting was
declared adjourned at 9:50 P.M. I