01-18-1972 PCM cPLANNING COWISSION MINUTES �- Regular Meeting - 1/144172 Ch Vices airman Jensen called the Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Pr+t;sent were commissioner Jensen, Tudor, Tracy, Kiland, and Cone. Also present were Administrative Assistant Mesley# City Engineer Priebe, and'Shirley ejort, and David SlIpy from the .Center for Study of Local Government, St. Johnts University. iiinatea of December 20 were amended to insert reference to directive to Ad- IdVAi ,trativo.Assistant_to recirculate letter asking capital plans of boards and;comm3asiona within the City. With that inclusion, Mr. Tudor moved app proval'of the minutes,. Second by Tom Cone. Upon being put to vote all pre- xent vgted "aye",,naays there were none. Chairman Jensen, thereupon, declared cae.motioa passed. There being a vacancy,in the chair, it became incumbent upon the commission to select new officers. Chairman Jensen therefore, opened nominations for the offices.. Commisalasaer Cone nominated David Jensen, for chairman, second was bg Jack Kiland. Canissicaer Tracy nominated Marsh Tudor for Vice Chairman. Secoead was by Tom Cone. Commissioner Tudor nominated Jack Kiland for secretary. Bond was by Marsh Tudor. There being no further nominations, motion was made by Commissioner Tracy that nominations be cbaed. Second made by Commissioner Cone-._ All present -voting "aye" the motion was declared passed and nominations were closed: Upon viewing the slate -of nominees and ascertaining that there were no contests for any position, the chairman directed that a unanimous ballot be cast for the slater as nominated and the three were thereupon elected. At this point, Chairman Jensen brought.up the subject of meeting nights. Since iionday,,had been established as retail store operating night, the possibility of contfict with regular planning commission meetings on the third Monday of each moatw was -great. Tom Cone moved, Marsh Tudor seconded establishing.the third TNmeft"of each month as regular planning commission meeting night. All present voted "aye", nays there were none, and the motion was declared passed. Discussion was then entered on the request of 7 East Realty to create two lots out of the Seth 132 feet of Lot 91 Block 119 North Half City. All of the commissioners having viewed the lot and considered the prospect, the concensus was that the resultant two lots would each be deficient in one or more points from the minimums _ demanded by Ordiwae 243, Marsh Tudor moved to recommend u*ui*,L, Jack Kiland seconded. All present voting "ayd',,!the motion was declared varied. Engineer Priebe turas then called upon to present his proposed plan for extension of'streets around the City as guides for subdividers and future subdivision pro sats. After discussion it van generally agreed that thi's plan should be the measuring stick for consideration of future subdivision applications. 1 The Rea, discussion of tba evening Was on development of a viable d6aprebensive plan and steps to uxomplishment. No conclusions Were reached, but several sicom- mandations Were discussed, and David Slipy and Shirley Hjort from St. John's Local GO" raoeat Studies Center participated. The Thoroughfares and Transportation Sub -Committee Were instructed to have a report on downtown traffic patterns by the -March meeting. There being,no further business to come before the commission the meeting Was adjourned at 9:55 P.M.